Chapter 189

2002 Words

Drink, drink. Suddenly, the little arm was suddenly hit. A treasure's milk immediately drank to his face. Immediately puckered small eyebrows. Thinking of the way the kindergarten students drank milk to their faces, they were ugly to death. They stuck out their small tongue and licked it. They turned their heads and looked behind them. He saw behind him a small milk bag shorter than him. It's a little girl in a pink skirt. A treasure frowned and looked at each other. He had black hair and black eyes, but he didn't know if he was from a country. "I'm sorry..." The little girl recognized her mistake. A treasure understood, his face was light, and he said with gentlemanly demeanor, "It's okay." Say that finish, then intend to say will look. But I saw the little girl pull his sleev

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