Chapter 168

2000 Words

"Is it? I do remember when I first saw you, you said that you would never go along with me for the rest of your life." Liao Jinhe said coldly. Doria immediately choked, then frowned at Liao Jin-he and said, "What do you mean?" "It's not interesting, Doria. I just think that what you say and do are not the same thing at all. You said that you despise me for leaving the child like this. You are going to take Little John away, but Little John has no father and you are not as selfish and cruel." Doria's face froze and he held his breath for a day. At this time, he directly retorted, "I am selfish? Oh, sorry Aunt Liao, even if I divorced Alan, I didn't deny that Alan was Little John's father's business. Even if I wanted to take him away, I didn't leave him alone, let alone cheat to retaliate

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