Chapter 166

2004 Words

"Good!" … … Doria sent Little John to the kindergarten and planned to inform linda to pick him up later. When he came back, he saw Liao Jinhe abnormally sitting in the living room instead of going upstairs. She glanced at her, Liao Jinhe coughed lightly and said, "Doria, let's talk." "Talk?" Doria's face was light. "What else do you want to talk about? Have you booked all the air tickets for me?" Liao Jinhe looked embarrassed for a moment and said, "That... don't worry, you sit down first." These days, looking up but not looking down, Liao Jinhe looked at Doria and did not always throw his face. After all, if he wanted to throw his face, she would not want to say a word to Little John. Doria gave her a suspicious look and walked slowly past. As soon as Doria sat down, Liao Jin-he

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