Chapter 164

2035 Words

Linda felt his face blue and white and made a joke for no reason. I think Nanyu came to her house for her because of her affectionate feeling. Nanyu just looked at the idiot... … … She drooped her head and was somewhat depressed. She watched Nanyu go in and turned to send Liang Cheng out together. Along the way, Liang Cheng did not speak. It was not until watching him get into the car that linda and he reached a parting point that they turned to go in. At this time, was Liang Cheng stopped. "Linda..." Linda turned his eyes to look at him. Looking at him, waiting to hear what he was going to say, at the same time some absent-minded, head is full of Nanyu that clear Juan face, as if he had seen more recently, he had been filled in her head all the time. I can't get there. "Linda,

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