Chapter 160

2032 Words

Hearing this, more people heckled. "You help her drink, yes, you have just become, you must help her drink." Another whistled and said, "linda is probably still a young child. She may not understand the tender panic..." Linda coughed lightly and said, "How do you know I don't understand? It's not that I haven't seen a handsome foreign boy..." Linda said. The line of sight suddenly caught a glimpse of Nanyu not far away, and she saw the man sitting there, looking at her smiling skin and flesh without smiling. She unconsciously avoided the line of sight. The heartbeat suddenly accelerated a little... … … Somehow... Someone joked about Liang Cheng. "Liang Cheng, you should be careful when you go out with linda. Brothers can only help you to get here. If Tang Qi lets any foreigner turn

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