Chapter 122

2009 Words

"Hum, that's what I want to say." Linda said, Doria smiled, but said nothing. After sending Tang back, she also plans to go back. Just then, the cell phone rang. It was the number from the old house. It must be Little John. The phone was connected and it was Little John. "Doria, Grandma asked you to have dinner together ~" Doria stunned. Before she had eaten alone with the old man and lady, she hesitated for a moment and was about to speak when she heard a treasure say, "I want to die of Doria ~" "That... I'll tell my father and go..." Her voice turned and she couldn't help saying. "OK ~" Hang up the phone and she called Alan. Mo Chen said Alan was busy and would come back later tonight. Doria thought that was just right. After talking to Mo Chen, she went directly to the old ho

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