Chapter 114

2067 Words

Alan looked at her eyes as if some darkness were surging. At that time, the atmosphere between the two was really a little tense. The driver in front of him did not dare to breathe, for fear that because of the two people behind him, he would be hurt... … … He has been with the young master for so long. When do you see anyone who dares to talk to the young master like this and contradict him like this, it will be the housewife. It happened that the young master still has nothing to do with the housewife. Alan stared at her. The darkness in her eyes surged for a moment. Suddenly, she was hidden by the man. ###Invite her in 2 Doria thought he was going to say something. As a result, I saw that the man gave her a cold look with cold eyes, suddenly shook off her hand, and

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