Chapter 250

2019 Words

She said it consciously. Fu Jingzhao, others don't know, she still don't understand? Very frivolous, basically is to meet a woman like one, others also calculate. Song Yan is her good friend, but she doesn't agree. ###Will be back as soon as possible 1 Fu Jingzhao was originally just talking and laughing casually. Seeing her so protected, she couldn't help laughing. Is he so terrible? He didn't take it seriously. He knew about Arlene's attack today. Hearing this, he couldn't help laughing and asked casually, "What play have you played, so precious? How hot is it?" He said it casually. Ben didn't take it seriously. It's just. When Arlene was here and reported the names of several plays, the man's lip angle was somewhat loose with a smile, but it froze instantly. Especially when A

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