On their way thither, the two captains were preceded by the mulatto,who, turning round as he advanced, with continual smiles and bows,ushered them on, a display of elegance which quite completed theinsignificance of the small bare-headed Babo, who, as if not unconsciousof inferiority, eyed askance the graceful steward. But in part, CaptainDelano imputed his jealous watchfulness to that peculiar feeling whichthe full-blooded African entertains for the adulterated one. As for thesteward, his manner, if not bespeaking much dignity of self-respect, yetevidenced his extreme desire to please; which is doubly meritorious, asat once Christian and Chesterfieldian. Captain Delano observed with interest that while the complexion of themulatto was hybrid, his physiognomy was European—classically so.