Chapter 7

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The next morning Hunter wakes Chaela up, they were still in the TV room. She had slept on his lap all night. Everyone had fallen asleep there. So Michaela wakes Nina up. Nina wakes everyone up. "I want to see the pack here in an hour. Besides the Omegas. Bring Serena up for this." Michaela said Nina nod her head smiling "What are you going to do?"  Hunter ask "I think it's time for the floors to be mopped and waxed by hand,"  Michaela said looking at him smiling He smiles Nina brings Serena up. Serena is looking pretty rough. Her hair hasn't been comb, clothes were dirty. Serena starts running to Terry. Nina catches her by her shirt. "You are still a prisoner,"  Nina said looking at Serena Terry shakes his head. "Good, now since everyone is here."  Michaela said smiling looking around at everyone "I want everyone to wash windows, rake, mow the yard, dust. You will also be doing all of the Omegas chores today. Serena, your Alpha, and those two ex parents to the King will wash and wax the floors by hand." Michaela said "Michaela, why are you doing this?"  Terry asks looking at her "Why ask me that? When you already know the answer." She said looking at Terry shaking her head. "Kate, Kristina make sure these four get to work. If they give you any problems. Give them a good hard kick in the stomach. Right, Terry? Michaela said "This s**t is all you fault Serena,"  Terry said looking at her. "f**k off," Serena said "You have always been f****d up. I should have left Hunter alone." Terry said looking at Serena "You weak ass bastard," Serena said rolling her eyes at Terry "Both of you shut up,"  Nina said "Three hours later they had finished waxing the floor. "Looks good," Michaela said looking at the floor "Take Serena back to the dungeon," Hunter said "No, No I'm not going back to that hell hole."   Serena shout Kristina, punch her once. Knocking her out.  She drags her by her legs back to the dungeon. "That didn't go well. Michaela" said laughing "Fourth day" Terry and the pack are sitting at the table waiting for their breakfast. "What are you all waiting for?"  Michaela asks looking around "For breakfast,"  Terry said looking at her smiling "Did you all cook?"  Michaela asks looking around at everyone "No, the Omegas always cook," Molly said looking toward the kitchen "They don't anymore." Right, Terry?"  Michaela said as she looks at Terry "Starting today everyone cooks. I'll make a schedule."  Terry said Michaela nods her head "I'm not cooking,"  Molly said "If you don't cook, you don't eat. Also, household chores will also be distributed out even."  Terry said looking around the table at his pack. "Terry we would like to see you in your office,"  Michaela said "Michaela, Hunter and Terry Conversation" Terry sits behind his desk. Looking at Michaela and Hunter "I hope you and your pack have learned something,"  Michaela said "We did. I know for sure I did."  Terry said "We will be keeping a close eye on you and your pack," Michaela said "I figured you would. Michaela, I'm sorry about rejecting you."  Terry said looking at her "I was fine about you rejecting me. This wasn't about me. It was how you treated the Omegas and Hunter after he was rejected."  Michaela said "If anything happens like this again. We will take away your title, banish you."  Hunter said looking at Terry Michaela smiles at Hunter "I understand. " Terry said looking at Hunter "I still have a few more things to take care of. Before we leave today."  Michaela said "Are you all leaving today?"  Terry said "Yes, we have important business at home. Everyone is anxious to meet their King. I don't expect you to be sad that we're leaving."  She said smiling " I have to admit that this has been a learning experience for me. Hunter, I know no words can take back, what we did to you. I am sorry." Terry said "Maybe one day I will forgive you. But I can't right now." Hunter saidlooking at Terry shaking his head "I understand,"  Terry said "I need you to call your pack for me," Michaela said. "End of Conversation"  Kristina and Kate walk Conrad and Serena in the middle of the yard. "I have an announcement to make, " Michaela said as Priscilla hands her an envelope.  She hands it to Terry." Do not open it yet, " she said looking at Conrad and Serena. "Since we are leaving today,  your sentence is over. Conrad, I see your wolf didn't die. But you were hallucinating and collapsed, had to see the pack doctor. So it seems that Hunter and Sage are stronger than you after all." Michaela said smiling at Hunter Conrad drops his head. Michaela looks at Hunter smiling as she is reaching for his hand. Hunter lays his hand in hers and smiles at her. "Serena, I haven't forgotten about you. But you have to wait a minute. Fitz and Rhonda, I was going to have you both killed. I didn't want your deaths to come between me and the King. I know Nina my Beta is upset. Because she really wants to kill you both. For mistreating your son, the King. But consider yourselves rogues." She looks at Hunter. He is looking at her. "I Michaela Landon Queen of Werewolves banish Fitz and Rhonda Walker from all packs. You have an hour to pack and leave. If not you will be killed." Michaela looks at Hunter Hunter nods his head. But he did not look at Fitz or Rhonda. "You can open the envelope now. " She said looking at Terry then  at Serena and Conrad Terry opens it, glances it. "Are you serious?"  He asks looking at her "Yes, very much. Look at the date and signature "  She said looking at Terry. "Serena, you mated with someone that's not your Mate. You and Conrad broke the law. Three years ago, my father passed a law. No one can mate with anyone unless they are True Mates. Your father was Alpha then. He was very much aware of the law. He sent a letter to my father, stating he was happy with the law. He also stated that this pack would enforce the law." Michaela said looking at Serena  "Your lying"  Serena said. "No. she's telling the truth," Terry said holding up both papers from the envelope. "You two have to reject each other. One will have to leave the pack. If you refuse to reject the punishment is death. After the rejection, if you are caught together. The punishment is death. Your Alpha has a copy of that law in his hand. I expect this law to be forced." She said looking at Terry "I have a Mate, Hunter is my Mate," Serena said looking at Hunter. "I'm not your damn Mate,"  Hunter said looking at her "You rejected him, he accepted your rejection. The Moon Goddess gave him a Second Chance Mate. That's me."  Michaela said smiling "I Conrad Ivan Morris rejects Serena Nicole Murray"  Conrad said looking at Serena. "How could you do this to me?"  She asks looking at Michaela "It's the law,"  Michaela said looking at Serena "Accept the Damn rejection. I only mated with you because your the daughter of an Alpha. My wolf Jock never liked touching you anymore. To be honest, neither did I."  Conrad said "You bastard, how could you?" Serena yells "Control your temper," Michaela said looking at Serena Serena rolls her eyes at Michaela "Either accept his rejection or die,"  Terry said looking at his sister "I'm your sister, you wouldn't kill me," Serena said looking at Terry "He might not, but I  sure will. "Hunter said looking at her. Serena looks at Hunter, as if she could not believe he said that. "As your King either accepts his rejection or I will kill you right where you stand,"  Hunter said looking at Serena clenching his fist Michaela nods her head "I Serena Nicole Murray accepts Conrad Ivan Morris, rejection." She said looking at him Conrad walks over to Abby the Omega that was nice to Hunter. "I'm sorry, forgive me," Conrad said looking at her "I forgave you a long time ago. But your not my Mate anymore. I found my Second Chance Mate yesterday at the mall. Alpha Robert Bibbs. My sister and I are leaving Silver Stone today. I'm a Luna."  Abby said smiling at the man siding beside her "Congratulations Luna Abby. I'm looking forward to working with you. Thank you for being kind to my Mate and all of us." Michaela said smiling at Abby Abby bows her head toward Michaela "For the record Serena, I would have killed you. You brought all of this on us. I did also by listening to your evil ass. Your welcome to stay here. But things have changed. You will have the same duties and rules as everyone else."  Terry said "Our work is done, it's time to go home," Michaela said "Terry as we said before, we will be watching you. Hunter said looking at him "Your Highness, Your Majesty," Terry said bowing his head.
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