1861 Words

CHAPTER THIRTEEN –––––––– * * * * RYAN STOPPED THE CAR and turned to Kate. “We’ll stop here, and Nick will bring Adam out here, Kate. I’ll leave you with them for a few minutes so that I could go and pick up our stuff. I can't leave anything in the room. People might become suspicious. When I rented it, I said that I was a painter. No self-respected artist would do such a thing,” Ryan explained to her. “But wouldn’t your leaving in the dead of the night raise suspicions?” Kate asked him. Ryan shrugged and explained, “I paid in cash and in advance for a month. I still have two more weeks paid. They’ll assume I moved to another location. I already told the guy from whom I rented the room that I didn’t know how long I’d stay, but that I wanted the room available to me for another month.

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