Part One - Chapter Nineteen

3260 Words

  Part One – Chapter Nineteen    Lilly was sleeping soundly beside me on the flight, f**k it had been a great weekend, I had finished 3rd in the race. Lilly had stayed with me in my room, but I was going to miss her like crazy, she was determined not to move into my motorhome this week, preferring to stay with Agnes, her excuse, sorry …reason was that she was fearful of moving too fast,  now it did not cause a fight so to speak, but we did end up having a heated conversation about it, which resulted in her getting her own way.  I gave in gracefully, well not really gracefully, I tried to convince her by kissing the life out of her in a desperate bid to show her what she would miss.  But Little Miss Innocent was also Little Miss Stubborn, well she kept me on my toe’s at least.  Things

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