Part One - Chapter Sixteen

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Part One – Chapter Sixteen   Lilly’s Point of view I gently knocked on the door, to announce my arrival, hoping Agnes and Jorge were up, this was going to be embarrassing, plus I was still holding Marks T-shirt in my hand, so that was a give-away I had stayed with him all night, and given it had a giant 72 on the front I could not pass it off as someone else’s.  “come in” I heard Agnes shout faintly, here goes embarrassment central, I opened the door, and there she was, as red as a beetroot, looking down at her feet “I am so sorry Lilly” bless her she was mortified; did she know I had come into the room! “I guess you had a good night” I smiled at her, not sure what I was supposed to say in this rather uncomfortable situation “Yeah, did you come back here, it must have been embarras

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