Part One - Chapter Twenty-Nine

1579 Words

Part One - Chapter Twenty-Nine   Lilly’s Point of view   I feel so bad right now, I know Mark is trying his up most to be understanding, but it must be so difficult for him given his dislike of Agnes, and after a day round the track where things have not gone well, he likes to spend his time relaxing and chatting to me, and other stuff of course. But I was concerned for Agnes, and given what she had told me about her past and how she had turned to alcohol to deal with her pain, my worry was that she would revert, which would mean her losing her job at the nursery, and me losing my friend.  I knocked on the door, no answer, so knocked again then walked in. Agnes was laid on the sofas with covers over her. Bless him Mark had looked after her!    I proceeded to check all the cupboards

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