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JEN'S POV I woke up in the early morning to prepare my things for my duty later. White uniform ✅ White shoes✅ White wristwatch✅ White underwear✅ White under dress✅ White panty let✅ White socks✅ I'm all set. All I need to do now is to prepare my breakfast and Don's. “Living here in four years by myself and without my parents makes me more responsible," I mumbled to myself. I started preparing breakfast. I fried three pork chops because I have to pack my lunch too. I cooked sunny-side-up egg, hotdogs, ham, and rice of course. I set the table too. Now I'm done. I went to our room whereas I and Don are sharing one room and one bed. Not to mention, a one queen size bed. I jumped to the bed and started to wake her up by being energetic. “Katy. Come on,” she said sleepily. “Wake up there now. You're going to be late." “I have a hangover, okay? So, get out and stop pestering me, Katy,” she covered her face with a comforter. I giggles. “You know what you have a flight today but you were still drunk last night. How very brave of you. Now, come on!" I pulled her out of the bed forcefully while she is groaning loud. Eventually, I am wearing my white medical uniform. “Until what time are you today, Katy?" I turned around to face my cousin Don with her flight attendant suit. “I must say you have a sexy figure every time you wear that dress of yours." “Thank you, Sis. You don't look bad yourself too.” She grinned. “Thank you. And the answer to your question a while ago is until 3 pm." “That's good then. See you later. I better get going and... I'm late." She kissed me on both cheeks and left the condo unit. “I have to go too and I will be late." I picked up my bag and my keys and left. I drove my car going to the hospital where I am assigned to have my senior internship. Four years have been passed and now I'm graduating just a few months ahead. Being here in the Philippines is much more excited than I expected because I can do whatever I want that is legal and not illegal but of course, I didn't forget the promise I and my Mom have. I am doing what they want but...on the other hand, there is just one thing I can't keep. On those don'ts that my Mom said the only thing that I go opposite with is clubbing. Yes, I do clubbing and I go to bars to have some fun and to shake off all of my stress since the course I got is somewhat complicated. I and Don can't help it because clubbing and going to the bars is the only thing that makes our minds empty for a moment. But I can assure my parents that the things left I promised to them are still untouchable. No smoking. I don't like cigarettes because they can harm my organ which is the lungs and not just one particular organ but a lot. It's dangerous for my health. No drugs. Because I know that thing can ruin one's life so, I better keep my hands with me if I still wanna live. No boyfriends. Although, there's a lot of guys who want to date me I don't let them get to me because I believe that the word called 'Love' is the only serious thing in this world so, if I'm going to have someone stay with me then, I will pick someone who can be with me for the rest of my life and his, too. For the information of everyone, I'm still a virgin though and I will only give myself to the man I love and to the man who loves me with his whole life. I don't let someone hurt me and I don't intentionally hurt myself. Well, being in a University and all grown up there are things that you don't know what's gonna happen next. Some people want to let you down but of course, you won't be on that level. You have to pick up yourself and be tough in front of them so, no one will touch you and hurt you in any way possible. This country is special to me because all people here are showing a really good attitude towards me but yes, let's not include those persons who are talking s**t about me. They are not worthy of my time. Back to reality, let's do work because I'm going to be late. In my course in medical technology, I do some extracting blood to the patients to examine in the microscope to find out their disease and their blood type. I also examine poops and urines. The day passed by so fast and it's already 3 pm. I timed out at 3:15 pm. I go home and have a rest. “Sis! Sis! Sis!" Don shouted while pushing and pulling me at the same time. “What?" “Let's go to the bar tonight, Katy. I know you have enough rest. You went home at 3 pm and it's already 7 now. Get up, Sis." Oh, I'm having a lot of periods of sleep. “Come on, Katy!" “Okay. Okay. I'm up." I took a seat in the bed facing her and removed my morning glories from my eyes. “You just got home?" “Yeah. And my friends are inviting us to the bar. They said that bar is owned by the youngest billionaire in the country." “Really?" “Yeah. So, I want to try there. Wanna come?" “Hell, yes." I immediately stood up and go to my walk-in closet to get dress. For just five minutes, I am all dressed. I am wearing an off-shoulder black dress that reaching my mid-thighs while Don is wearing a red tube dress reaching her mid-thighs too. “Now, let's rock it." We both go in my car. “Later, Sis, you'll be the one to drive, okay? So, don't get yourself too much intoxicated or we will not go home safe." I giggled. “Yes, Mom." “Let's go! Let's kick some ass!" “Hell yeah!" I hit the road. After a minute, we arrived at our destination. “King's Bar,” I read the name above loudly. Wow. The name of this bar sounds great. We entered the bar and the ambiance makes me so overwhelmed. I'm amused. “This way, Sis.” Don pulled me to where her friends in school are sitting around. “Everyone meets my cousin and my best friend, Jeniffer Kate,” she introduced. “Hello to all of you,” I greeted merrily. We took a sit with them. “This bar is so awesome,” Don told. “It is. The youngest billionaire owned this and I couldn't agree more that he is running this kind of place so wonderful and amazing,” Don's friend said. “Let me tell you guys one thing about the owner of this bar,” A gay friend of Don mentioned. He has all of our ears because of what he said. “The owner of this bar is not just the youngest billionaire of this country but he is also the eligible bachelor of his group. The name of his group is called the 'Five Stars' because they are part of the highest-paid man in the country. The leader of this group is called the 'Alpha' because he is the most charming, elegant, and handsome guy in the group. They look like Greek Gods. Let's include that he has the wealth and surprisingly, he has a height of 6'4" in his 26 years of age." “Wow. Very young to be a billionaire,” I commented. “Yeah. But here's the catch, yes he is a billionaire yet he is a f**k boy. I heard that every day there's no night that he will be stand. He always gets the woman he wants." I hate a guy like him. “The second amongst the group is known as the 'Player' because he has a lot of women everywhere. Not to mention that he is a model, a perfect guy for the industry of showbiz. He has the perfect body as there are many endorsements are lining up in his tail. He has a height of 6'3" with the age of 26." “He is bad to my system I must say,” I recited. “Third amongst the group is called the 'Builder' because in all the countries he visits to have a concert cause he is a famous artist, there is no way that he's going to leave without a woman in his shoe even that woman has someone else or none. I heard that he has 20 girlfriends." “Totally a womanizer,” a girl commented at the side. “How old is he anyway?" another girl around asked. “He is only 26 with a height of 6 feet. Fourth in the group is the cousin of the Alpha and he is known as the 'Charmer' because every time he is cooking he attracts a lot of people and they easily fall for him." “Even guys?" I asked confusingly. “Yes, even guys. He is a chef and he actually, compete in other countries and he always wins in all the contests he joins. His hobby is to collect cards with the money he gets in the competition. He has the age of 28 in the height of 6'2"." “And last but not the least among the group?" I questioned. “The last and also the fifth is known as the 'Flower' because of the designs and paintings he does. He is a painter and at the same time, a designer. I'm telling you he is not gay. It's on his passion. He is the famous designer and painter in the whole world at the age of 25 with a height of 6 feet." Their group sounds interesting. “The fifth guy, I think I know him,” Don mumbled. “Wait. Do you know their names?" A girl asked. “You can check their names on the internet. They are all over the news,” The gay replied. There is only one thing I must say to their group. They are all a player. And I don't like to get myself into those kinds of people in this world so, I better stay away from them. To be continued...
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