1347 Words

JERO’S POV What the hell! How dare her? And who the hell is she to slapped me? “Bro, are you okay? I saw what happened,” Tan said at my side. She will pay for this. I left him and didn’t mind what he said and follow the girl who humiliated me. She is sitting on the couch recklessly. “Hey!” No one messes up with me. Not even her. “Thou again?” she spoke in slang language. I don’t understand a single word she said but that doesn’t matter now because all I care about now is to get my revenge on this girl who gave me a slapped on my face. “Do you even know who I am?” I angrily said. She stood in her seat and walks towards me swaying her body because she is so drunk. “Thou...” She stood in front of me and got herself a drink. I thought she’s going to drink but it surprised me whe

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