
549 Words
Max's Pov Growing up, I had looked forward to the day I would present, find my mate, a beta or an omega, settle down while living in the legacy of our clan. Our clan had been tasked with the duty of being the warriors of the pack and had been the prime protectors for years. Life truly had something disastrous in store for me. I was an omega, a male one in fact. The pack celebrations had just ceased when I presented. Not only did I ruin the atmosphere of the day, but also my mate's presentation. Everyone should have been celebrating the new presented alpha, our new pack leader. How would anyone celebrate when the news had already cast a dark cloud of gloom over everything.It was like spotting a dark cat, but now I was the dark cat in question. My father had just disowned me. My wolf Luke was just quiet at the back of my mind. No matter how much I begged him to say something and allow me to share in his pain and not shield it from me. So much uncertainty lay in our future. Would we be killed, would we live on the run, would our mate reject us? Would we ever experience the joy of being in a pack? The whole essence of being a wolf was the pack dynamic, having a mate and getting pups. Without them, a wolf goes rogue and dies. The pack leader was yet to cast me out, but that would probably mark my end. No other pack could take me in, not even rogue packs. Maybe ending my life was the answer. Luke's Pov (Max's Wolf) Omega! I was an Omega in this reincarnation. This has to be the price I had to pay to get another chance to love my soulmate throughout our lifetimes. Ruby's wolf Mary had been my mate in our previous life and the life before that. No matter what happened, we always found our way back to each other. Our humans would change, be born in different packs, but our bond would help us find each other. It had always been me as her alpha and her my omega, but this time around something was wrong. The Moon Goddess has never failed us. Why would she play such a cruel joke on us? I could feel Max's fear. The story surrounding male omega wolves was a tale that has been passed down through many generations. The moon goddess had wiped out all existing male omegas and it was believed it was because of the evil that they had in them. If she was responsible for that, then why was this happening to us? Was it a test to redeem them and re-introduce them back to the wolf population? I had shielded my thoughts and feelings from Max so I could think everything through and, most of all, find a way to explain about our soulmate and our circumstances. Max was my human companion and no matter what happened, he came first. I knew he was hurting and most of all, felt lonely and scared. But we would make it through together and have a happy ending. I would make sure of it, even if it meant I died while trying.
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