Chapter 32

1224 Words

LUKE’S POV The morning at the dining table was awkward and uncomfortable. Damon was hurriedly downing his food, Ryker had his eyes on him the whole time. The rest of the members kept looking between the three of us. “I had a lot of expectations of this place but finding myself in a love triangle is the last thing I expected,” Max said. Ever since we had shifted, while with Damon I had been the one in control and feeling a bit guilty, I decided to ask him if he wanted to be in control and I would take a backseat. “No, thankyou!I am not touching this mess with a ten-foot pole.Don’t feel bad about it. I have had all the fun before our presentation,it is your time to enjoy this as well.I enjoy my position as a spectator very much.” Having Max was always such a relief. That reminded me o

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