Rogue Heart 38

1066 Words

"You fool!" Willem Boudelaire shouted. Maximillian flinched. He was lying on the bed while the healers healed him. "I told you not to anger Thanatos, but what did you do!?" he angrily added and raised his cane. When Thanatos came to him for protection, he accepted him without hesitation. He knew from the start that Thanatos was exceptional and will become a great asset to the clan providing the goods for them. Willem wasn't taking his side, but Maximillian doesn't know anything. His foolish young son still fought Thanatos and now faced a shameless defeat that he will forever remember. "Leader!" the servant exclaimed and stopped Willem from hitting Maximillian. "Guard him and don't let him go unless it was necessary," Willem ordered and left. Maximillian clenched his jaw and balled his

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