Chapter 22: roaming the halls

1632 Words

Scarlet’s pov “you will be sleeping in this room” Andrew said and standing next to him was his mate Nikki. “call me if you need anything” he added and I walked into the room, it was big, and I had my own bathroom so I couldn’t complain. “the room next to yours is Alphas room, so try to keep the noise level down and if you need anything else then tell Grace, she is David’s mate and its her job to take care of such things” Nikki said. I found myself smiling, this was a clear warning that I shouldn’t call her mate when I need anything, “of course” I replied and watched as she basically dragged her mate out. I looked around the room, it was depressing, and it felt strange being in such a room, it had no life and reminded me that I am a guest here. I couldn’t sleep because I had to lo

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