Chapter 15: its okay not to be okay

1708 Words

Scarlet’s pov “will you be okay?” my dad asked me, and I nodded, “I will be fine, its me we are talking about here” I added. He looked at me and I could tell that he wasn’t buying it. “I have broken up with your mother for 10 years now and even then I am still not ready to see her again. its okay to not be okay, you loved him, and it must have been hard for you to see him again” he said. I cant hide anything from my father, he has always noticed me, and he always sees what no one including my mother couldn’t see. “I need to do this; you know that, and I know that. I can do this” I said convincing myself more than I was him. “how far are you willing to go? You know that you might do things that could make him hate you forever” he said making sure that I understand what I am getting

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