A Chance To Gain Proof

1348 Words

[Denali’s POV] The sound of sniffles and the feel of fear press against my skin, drawing me from the blissful oblivion that I’m stuck in. As the world appears around me, so does the pain of my injuries, which are still fresh. Hissing, I pry one eye open to take in the area around me. There’s brick walls with chains hanging from them and large bars that separate me from a woman with long glossy black hair who is cradling a small boy with mousy brown hair. The sniffling sounds are coming from him, and they make my heart hurt. Opening my other eye, I continue to examine the area around me until I come to realize that I’m in one of many cages that hold women and children alike. “What the hell?” I hiss, slowly sitting up while being cautious not to jar my legs too much. “Where is…” “Hell,”

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