Disown Me

1304 Words

[Rosco’s POV] Anger flows through me as I fight against the power that my father is using to try to keep me in check. If he wanted to test which of us was the strongest, I was more than happy to oblige, especially since this was all to stop me from protecting the one I loved most. “Stand down,” my father repeats, his power pressing harder against me. “Or do you not take my threat seriously?” Did I take it seriously? Even if I did, I wouldn’t give two shits! I was more than willing to give up every f*****g thing to keep Denali safe. “Honey, I think you need to calm down,” my mother murmurs, clasping my father’s arm. “Why don’t we all just take a breath and try to think rationally?" “Rationally?” Beatrice repeats, her eyes nearly bulging out of her f*****g head. “What is there to be rat

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