Dawson's Anger!

1076 Words
06. Dawson's anger. “Yes but, can I help you sir.”? Victoria replies, and she starts to look into Dawson's handsome face with a beautiful green eyes that kept staring at her. “No, you don't need to.” Dawson shook his head. “Okay, so?” Victoria feels so confused. “Actually, maybe I'm not usually available here because I'm not stay here, I am living in the next kingdom, I was visited this place just to see my mother empress Ava and also my brother Evander.” “But if something wrong was happened, you can tell me what's going on with you, and I will be always available for you, here is my address.” Dawson said, and he gave Victoria an old paper about his empire's address to Victoria. “Okay for sure, Dark woods?” Victoria, still gazing into that old paper, including Dawson's address. “Yes, that's right, Dark woods.” Dawson nodded his head and kept showing his beautiful smile to Victoria. “Victoria, have you done to deliver and put the various dishes and prepare them on the table?” Empress Ava shouted to Victoria quite loudly. “Yes, I'm done with this.” Victoria replies. “Okay, please come here now!” Ava yelling at Victoria. “I'm so sorry sir, I think I should go now, empress Ava has been calling me to go into there.” “Okay sure.” Dawson looks so disappointed when he knows Victoria will go from him now. Victoria was to go to Moonlight falls kitchen, and she is as soon to meet with empress Ava who had been calling her. “What are you doing there! Why should I was waiting for you for a long time, what do you think you're! To makes me wait in this filthy kitchen so long like an airhead, do you want me to become more insane here? “ Empress Ava looks outraged because Victoria is taking too long to be in the dining room, and that's making her to wait for a long time for her in this filthy kitchen. “Come on, go and clean up the kitchen now!” Ava kept shouting and command Victoria with so rude. “Yes I do.” Victoria replies. Victoria is seen immediately taking a cleaning tool and also water, to clean up this kitchen. Dawson apparently hasn't gone anywhere, and he's been silent all this time for stalking all about his mother Ava and also Victoria, and he really wants to know what they do there in the kitchen. “What the hell, I just saw it, my mom looks so harsh and too rude to Victoria, and that's so hurts because my mom's rude acts to her.” “No one can ever to hurts my loved one, never ever!” Dawson looks so angry and frustrated, he becomes so tension suddenly for no reason. But that's because he was very much hate all the things about what his mom has been done to his loved one's too, Victoria. And that's feeling so annoying for him. “Mom, what are you doing there?” Dawson says it so loudly until it makes both Victoria and Ava feel so shocked. “My son, Dawson, I have been helping my new youngster assistant to do her work because she was seemed so lousy and unprofessional here.” Empress Ava replied to all of his son's words. “Unprofessional, lousy, wrong? What does mom mean all about this! Please tell me something wrong she's done?!” “She does it all so neatly, she works so focused, professional, alert, diligent and very agile to clean and prepare all things including cooking too, come on explain to me about the mistakes that she has made?” Dawson kept raising his voice and yelling at his mother, who had raised him in defense of the girl he was in love with. “Obviously, she's done a lot of wrong, and it's really unprofessional and wrong in doing all of this, she's working so slowly and slowly in fact, the whole job is a complete mess.” empress Ava replies to her son. “Can you think about this all? She just does all that housework alone by herself! You don't even help her at all, and you are just screaming and keep yelling at her.” “You thoroughly hate her like a trash and that's so wrong for me, all the attitude you have done is really unacceptable, do you think about it?” Dawson looks so mad and so tension to his mom. “Yes because this is her responsibility.” Empress Ava continued to reply to her son's words. “What? Responsibilities? Or that's just your weird rules, you really treat her so bad and I don't like it because she already does all the things with perfectly clear, what the hell are you just too rude to her.” Dawson looks so angry and that's perfectly so clearly from his bright-green eyes too, which is full of tension and anger from him. Dawson really looks very emotional to see his mother, Ava, behave badly and very rudely to the woman he loves the most, and that's Victoria. “Victoria what are you doing and has been talking to my son in that dining room, until he was very much pro and always keep protecting you like this, are you had been making slander about me, and brainwashed my son's mind?” Empress Ava looks furious and tense to Victoria, she also seems to keep yelling at her. Empress Ava became very emotional and angry because of her son, Dawson, defending a girl he hated so much. Victoria's departure to the dining room, to be delivered and served with various dishes, was the beginning of the meeting between Victoria and her son Dawson. But all this, maybe even destiny that has worked for them all becoming so disaster and nightmare for Ava personally. Moreover, she clearly knows about her son's personality that's so bad when he wasn't get what he wants, he will be so mad, anger, frustrations, domineering, abusive and also so aggressive Alpha. “I'm so sorry, but I never do that or brainwashed your son, I don't even brainwashed his mind.” Victoria replies, and she looks so sad, she tears a bit too slowly from her beautiful eyes.
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