Ep 44: So Be It! So Be It.

2233 Words

Sania’s POV . ‘Say nothing rash, Princess. Melody is still in the church. You left her there alone.’ This devil of a priest is threatening the Princess! And the princess has no other way to tell others. I understand the princess’s position, to be honest. For years, I cannot say anything about the demons in Tollyria. But I chose to be mute, whereas Anita’s right to choose has been taken away from her since the beginning. Oh, I have churned millions of ways I can tear the priest apart at night when I have gained my power. I will make him suffer. For all the girls that have no choice but to stay silent and accept their fates, for girls who have to endure life when they are supposed to be living it, I will torture the hell out of this priest. He has not seen hell as I have, but I will brin

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