Ep 41: The Goddess's Message

2167 Words

Anita’s POV . When the Goddess spoke to me twelve years ago, all I heard at first was a sweet singing voice. I stopped hearing the priest’s sermon, the rustles of the leaves outside, and the breathing sounds of my uncle, Emperor Darilus Gratagan, who sat next to me. Then a vision came to me. A woman basked in bright light. She said, “I need you.” I was not really a devout believer, just like my uncle, but I knew immediately she was the Goddess. So I said, “Anything.” “I need you to trade your gift for another gift,” she said. Afterward, she instructed me to stand and send a vision to people’s minds; it was of a swan singing the same melody she sang to me before. The vision mesmerized everyone. Even the priest stopped his sermon. Then suddenly, I moved my hands as though I was speaking

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