Ep 36: The Shiver Intensifies

2178 Words

Sania’s POV . I force my eye–not eyes, because I am still a swan and I have eyes on the sides of my head so I need to turn my head to see him clearly with one eye–to not blink. Staring intently at his blue eyes, I put myself as far as possible from him in his bathing pool. Luckily, an emperor has a bathtub the size of a small lake. The room is enormous with a pool that stretches a few feet from the door to the other edge of the room. But there are no walls on the other end. It is an open-ended room, hundreds of feet high in the sky. In the distance, I can see the sun going lower on the horizon, so the room is facing west.  “Do you like the view?” he asks. Damn it. I blink first. Sighing because I just lost our stupid impromptu staring game, I decide to swim even further from him. “C

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