Ep 30: A Hero Is Just Another Villain

2180 Words

Sania’s POV, before waking up as a swan. On my deathbed, after Gavar burnt me, the Goddess speaks in my mind and asks, “Why? Why did you risk everything for a dozen knights?” Her voice sounds frantic in my head, which is unusual. “Why did you throw away everything? Why did you sacrifice yourself?” I hear her voice choking at the end, as though she is crying. “Didn’t you promise Rob you’d save the world he loved dearly?” My answer is, “Because… they are my world.” They. The knights, my sisters, the people of Tollyria. They are the world that Rob shared with me. My world is just as important as the rest of the world. After all, they are the sole reason I keep on walking despite there is no light here.   “I’m sorry…,” is the last thing I heard before I close my eyes. And when I open them

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