Trouble in paradise

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Khushi's POV: " do you think it would have worked?" I asked Vijay jiju as soon as He locked his office room door. " most certainly." He replied while sitting in his seat. " you did good . I really thought you fainted." He said as he ruffles my hair. " almost jiju. " I replied as I sat opposite to him. " I really hope it works.  I can't live without both of them. Past week has been hell. " I said , controlling my tears. " I know. Don't cry . They will sort their differences and everything will be back to normal. " He replied. We both then waited for di and Vikram. It's been an hour since we left. I wonder what's happening there. Vijay jiju secretary entered the room after knocking the door. " sir, Mr.Randhawa is here to meet you. " " oh. I totally forgot about the meeting. Send him in." Jiju replied while rubbing his forehead. " jiju , are you okay? You looks like you have seen the ghost. " I asked him worriedly. " I am fine. It's just I I " He trailed off . It means trouble. " just say it." It came harsh than intended. " I signed a business deal worth 375 crores on that party night itself. " He said slowly. what the hell? " seriously jiju? If Vikram gets to know this, then it's the end for that guy." " Khushi,  I don't know about the problem when I signed the deal.  Okay.  I am already restless.  Please try to understand. " He said while pacing  around his cabin. "ok . What do you want me to do in this?" I asked him. " convince Vicky." He said as if it is easy. " why don't you try then, jiju." I asked him. " Khushi, you know why I can't. Only You can make him understand.Mom left for Varanasi. You're my only hope. Please." He replied. "ok, I will try. But no guarantee." I said as I don't want to give him fake hope. " thanks. " " Ok, then I will take leave." I replied and stood up. " Hello Mr.Malhotra." Puneet Randhawa came inside with a huge smile on his face. " Hello Mr.Randhawa. Please take a seat. We are just discussing about our venture." Jiju greeted him while I stood there awkwardly. " oh really. that's great." He exclaimed like a kid. " Mrs.Khushi Malhotra, I am sorry for that party incident. It's entirely my fault. I was under the influence of drink and said something which doesn't matter anymore. That's so stupid of me." He apologized sincerely. " It's ok,Mr.Randhawa. You carry on. I need to attend a meeting now. So if you both excuse me." I walked out without waiting for reply as I sensed something will go wrong if I stay there for some more time. Vikram's POV: "Priya , I don't think we can be back to normal again.  Khushi is my everything and I can't see her sad. I know how much you means to her. So, for her sake I decided to let it go. " I told Priya as she plays with her fingers nervously. " I know, Vikram. I am extremely sorry for that. For once, think from my point of view. How will you agree to let such a guy marry your sister?" She replied. " I am not justifying my action. Just letting you know what I went through." She added. " Maybe you're right. But I still can't digest the fact that someone thought of my Khushi as his. You broke my trust,Priya. It will take time to erase these bad memories. But I will try to be normal with you for Khushi. But I don't think we can be friends like we used to be. The friendship we had is over. I can't pretend Priya. For me, You are nothing more than my wife's sister. " I told her calmly. She covered her face with her hands and avoided eye contact with me. Priya's POV: I wiped my tears and took a minute to compose myself. It's better than nothing for now.  I know Vikram. He will take time but will definitely come around. " Don't worry, Priya. I won't stop Khushi from seeing or being with you. " He stood up and walked towards the door. " I am going to check on Khushi and take her home. Do you want to come with me?" He asked while holding the door knob. " yeah, I am coming. Just give me a minute." I stood up and took my mobile. When we are about to reach  Vijay's cabin, we both saw Khushi coming out in a hurry. From her face, I could sense something is wrong. " Di, Vikram" She came towards us faster strengthening my doubts further. " are you alright?" Me and Vikram asked in unison. " I am fine. Just feeling dizzy ." the moment She uttered those words, Vicky immediately carried her in his arms. I gave her a " we will talk about this later." look and she nodded. Just when the lift is about to close, We saw Puneet Randhawa running breathlessly all the way towards us. " Khushi, You forgot this." He said while handing over her mobile. I could see Vikram grip on Khushi tightening and she's about to wince. " Vicky, you're hurting her. calm down." I whispered in his ears. He loosens his grip and let her back on her feet. " what the hell you are doing here?" Vikram asked angrily and about to walk out of lift. " hmm, looks like he's still angry with me. " Puneet said while glancing at Khushi causing Vikram's anger rose. But Khushi dragged him back and pressed the close button. " what is he doing here? How dare he look at you like that? what are you doing with him?Did you speak with him? Did he touch you? If he did, I will kill him and tore him to pieces. answer me, Khushi. say something." Vikram asked her angrily. He banged his fist at his car and started kicking his car tyre. Khushi looks at him sadly and take a step back. " Vikram, stop it. You're scaring her. " I shouted at him while hugging her. It brought him back to his senses. When he came near us, she stopped him by showing her hand. " di, take me to our home. please." She said . Her voice barely a whisper.  I nodded and looked at Vicky. " don't follow us. I just want to be alone." Khushi said and walked towards my car. Vicky stood like a statue and I have to shake him. " Did I do something wrong? " He asked me. I don't know what to say. I looked at both of them looking at eachother. " Khushi, what happened?" I asked her as I walk towards her. " di, let's go"  I don't know what to say with Vikram. I just gave him a nod and took khushi with me.
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