2000 Words

Sofie As I turn the shower off, I hear knocking on my door. I frown wondering who it is. Hopefully they go away. I’m not in the mood for visitors today. Another exciting Saturday night at my apartment. I check my phone as I wrap my hair up in a towel. No message from Delaney saying she’s coming over. She has a date with Clint since they had a game last night. I ignore it and get dressed. The knocking starts again as I comb out my hair. It’s more insistent and now I worry maybe something has happened. I walk toward it yelling out “coming!” I look through the peephole but there’s no one there. Guess they gave up. I shrug walking toward the kitchen. It starts again and now I figure this is someone’s prank or game. I walk back over and look out again. But I can’t see anything, it’s black like

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