Fake Date

899 Words

Sofie He’s leaving after we’ve finished our paper. I follow him as he opens my door. Webb hesitates stepping over the threshold. I see him turning and he swallows visibly. “Ummm Sofie I wanted to ask, I mean I was wondering…the football banquet is Saturday and everyone on the team brings a…date, or a friend who’s a girl….Would..would you come with me? The cheer squad and dance team will be there too you know staring us down and flirting and….” He’s fiddling with the zipper on his jacket and I tilt my head to study him. “Me?” I think about what he said. “I see. You want me to come be your female shield?” I ask him surprised. His head jerks up and his mouth opens before he snaps it shut. He takes a deep breath before answering. “Uhh yeah if you…if you don’t mind.” I sigh “is it still

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