Acceptance and Stinging Rejections

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“Don’t forget to text Clint about your writing assignment.” I tell her with amusement as we walk into the apartment complex. Her expression immediately drops. “Look go get changed and come to my place. We’ll have homemade shrimp linguine with virgin margaritas and I’ll help you text him.” “Deal.” She takes off for the second floor and I keep climbing the stairs to the third. Twenty minutes later, I hear the Sheldon knock followed by “Sofie. Sofie. Sofie.” I shake my head laughing. We had religiously watched every episode of the Big Bang Theory probably ten times. “What do you want Sheldon?” I ask as I yank the door open with a flourish. “Where’s your phone?” I ask and she sets it on the counter with a sigh. She opens his contact info and starts a text. “You’ll read it before I hit send right?” I roll my eyes “no I want to help humiliate you.” After five minutes where I have time to plate the food and pour out margs, she hands me her phone. Clint, sorry I was rude today. Sof said I needed sugar and it returned me to a functional human being again. Let me know how and when you want to meet for our essay. I know you have practice each afternoon but I’m usually done by four. Delaney Burke. “Change “I know” to ‘I’m sure you have practice most days’. Sounds a little less stalkerish.” She does and I nod once I see it. “Hit send.” I intone blandly and she flashes me a scowl before she does it. Blowing out a huge sigh I say “now wasn’t that easy? You’ll have no problem texting him at least once a week now.” She huffs. “We’ll see. Food ready? I’m starving.” Her phone chimes and I see her gulp. She takes a deep breath and opens it. I see a small smile form and watch her sipping my virgin margarita. I wish it had alcohol in it for once. When she begins to type back and hits send, I gape at her. “Ummm hello did you just reply all on your own?!” She turns to me with a proud smile. “I did.” “Alright what did he say? I cooked you dinner. Now spill the details.” She opens the message “here you can read it.” Well I have to say that was the first time I’ve seen an in person case of leaving someone speechless. Glad you’re better. I have practice every day. Starts at 4 and over at 6. I can always work over dinner provided you like to eat too. How about Sunday night at 6? Looking forward to working with you Delaney Burke. Her reply: Sunday sounds great. Let me know where to meet. “I can’t tell if he’s flirting lightly or being sarcastic. I mean the guy doesn’t know he’s been my crush for two years.” Delaney thinks out loud. I swallow a large gulp of my drink knowing that Manny heard every word of her confession earlier in the hallway. Knowing the way male athletes gossip, he’s definitely told Clint about her crush. Refusing to sink her newfound confidence with embarrassment I shrug. “You’ll know on Sunday. He’s going to love you. Who wouldn’t?!” I nudge her shoulder. She just shakes her head. “You heard from your partner yet?” I snort “ha! I’m sure he’s pleading his case to Mafferty. Being paired with an ugly unpopular girl is probably eating away at him. I’m not even going to bother until Friday, maybe Monday to see who I’ve been reassigned to.” “Maybe Webb will change his mind.” I look at her wondering if her brain didn’t reset right earlier today. “Fat chance of that happening.” I mutter. On Friday I walk into writing class to sit in my normal spot but I see it’s taken up by Baylor, Grady and Dave. Not only that but the giggle squad he flirts with has moved up too. I spin around figuring I can wait outside for Delaney. But when I do, I collide with a solid tree. Except this one has arms that grip mine to steady me “whoa there.” His deep voice says softly. I look up into Webb’s green eyes and apologize. “Damn I’m so sorry. I am such a klutz. Excuse me, I’m heading outside.” He frowns before muttering “why? Class…is about to start.” I roll my eyes in Baylor’s direction and I see his move to glance up surreptitiously. “I see.” He whispers. He clears his throat and says loud enough that Baylor should hear “how about you sit here and we can figure out our essay assignment?” He looks extremely uncomfortable as he slowly lets out the words like a toddler learning to talk. What the hell?! Our assignment. He motions to a chair in front of the row he sits on. Delaney comes in frowning when she sees our usual seats and then slides in next to me. Mafferty begins talking about another style of writing we should consider incorporating in our current assignment. “You may use the last five or ten minutes to meet with your partner.” I stiffen up and turn to face Webb. Speaking in a low tone I begin “look I’m sure you are working on convincing Mafferty to give you a different partner….” He shrugs “you’d be wrong.” But he cannot look at me. I look at him as my forehead furrows “wait what?” “I’m not trying to trade partners.” He says simply. “Oh!” It’s all I can manage. I give him a quick smile. I am about to say more when he says dryly “I mean you heard the Professor, no trades so no other choice. Pretty pointless to go beg for us not to be stuck together.” He frowns deeply. He still hasn’t glanced at me. My smile falters and I bite my lip. That stings. “Yeah I should have thought of it that way.” I answer blandly. “If you tell me your ideas for this, I’ll write my part and we can exchange them in class here before we combine it. No need for you to be forced into my despised company.” I state flippantly. The timer sounds just as I finish my sentence. Without packing up my notebook, I throw my backpack on and walk out clutching the notebook and pencil to my chest. I don’t wait for Delaney. I hear someone calling my name, but I plow ahead ignoring it. I have no idea if it’s Colby. Doubtful it’s Webb. . I march into photography class and set my things down on the table with a distinct thud. I look up finding Colby setting his things down and watching me warily. “You alright Peppermint?” “Peppermint?” I frown. “Yep that’s my nickname for you since your backpack is stuffed full of them.” I can’t help but chuckle as I reach in and toss him three of them before taking one for myself. “There a story behind your minty obsession?” He asks and I shrug. Delaney sits down eyeing me. “You left in a hurry.” She mumbles. Colby “I just asked Peppermint here to tell me the story of her red swirled sugar obsession.” Delaney glances at me worriedly and I give her a shrug. I take a deep breath. “My brother and I loved soft peppermints Our paternal grandfather always kept them in his pockets and we’d steal them. He would pretend he didn’t know who took them and make a big deal about candy stealing squirrels or birds. My mom would never let us have them willingly. No candy or sweets at all. My mom has been gone since I was seven. Once she was gone, Benny would buy me a bag every week and we’d split it. Except now he’s a grown up, he buys me a fifty pound box of them once a year.” I smile thinking of my big softy brother. He and Colby would get along. His brow is furrowed “but you are celebrating with something she hated? I don’t…” “My mom abandoned us Colby. Walked out and left my dad to raise us on his own. We don’t miss her.” I tell him bluntly. Delaney squeezes my hand gently. My mother’s desertion isn’t a sore subject anymore but it’s not fun to discuss either. His eyes find the table before he mumbles “sorry Peppermint.” “You have nothing to be sorry for. She does. But whatever. Look at me Colby the Barbarian Bear.” His eyes meet mine “you asked a question. Just because the answer isn’t pleasant doesn’t mean we can’t find a silver lining. My brother loves me and does something to make me happy every year. That’s what I celebrate. It’s ok. Don’t be upset.” “Colby the Barbarian Bear huh?” One side of his mouth quirks up in a smirk. “Yep, I hear you can be very fierce but I still feel like half the time you’re a jiggly jello teddy bear.” I grin at him. He chuckles before class starts.
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