
The Football Player's Parallel Obsession


Sofie Riles is a college senior who avoids dating and college athletes especially football players like they have the plague. She spends her time with her best friend Delaney watching their favorite shows and hanging out together. Her past experience with dating scared her enough to swear it off and she's gotten so used to that she makes no effort to try again. And for the last three years of college, she's maintained her invisibility status to the opposite s*x or so she thinks.

Webb Jameson is a college senior who plays for the Harrisville Havoc as their top tight end. He is a star on the field and smart in the classroom. Webb has the whole package: looks, athletic ability, brains and a superstar future ahead. But he lacks any confidence with the opposite s*x. The thought of talking to a female stops him cold in his tracks. He crossed paths with Sofie in their freshman year and couldn't forget her.

What happens when a class assignment pairs them together and forces Webb to speak to her, spend time one on one with her? Will Sofie be able to look past her previous experience with dating? And what happens when maybe someone else has been watching Sofie for the last three years? When that someone begins to show himself to claim her too?

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Starting Our Senior Year
Sofie “This seat available good looking?” A voice floated nearby, but I ignored it, working on reading the first chapter of my required literature reading. “Ahem?” I heard it again. Wonder why someone is ignoring him. A second later, I feel fingers tapping my forehead. Confused, I look up and see a guy standing there with a big toothy grin. “I asked if this seat was available good looking.” I see him point to the chair right across from me. “Don’t know.” I tell him before returning to my reading. “What are you reading that’s got you so fascinated you’re ignoring the world?” Toothy asks, and I let out a sigh. He set his breakfast tray down and took that seat. Finally, looking at him for the first time, I recognize who he is. Without letting that on, I narrow my eyes. “Required book for lit class.” When I look down again, his hand suddenly pulls the book away and he flips to the cover. “Ah, The Alchemist. You must have Professor Bateman.” Giving him a scowl, I remove the book from his grip. “Excuse me. I need to get to my next class.” I stand up and leave quickly. I hear him trying to follow me judging by his frantic call of “Hey wait...” I spot a large group of sophomore or junior girls and deliberately cut right next to them. Hearing their giggles, I glance back and see they have surrounded my strange pursuer. What a weird freaking second day of senior year. I plop down in my next classroom a bit early, but there are a few others here already. I smile when I hear “damn you really wanted a good seat today, Sof.” I look up and give my best friend, Delaney Burke, a grin. “Best one in the house. Slightly hidden behind the plants there, close to the exit.” She plops in the seat next to me. “Ugh, advanced calculus is going to kill me. Why do I want to be an engineer again?” She complains, pulling out her book for this class. “Because you’re resilient, and I know you’re going to love it. You’ll ace that class like you do all of them. Meanwhile, this class will probably kill me. I hate writing papers.” I give an exaggerated grimace. She nods. “Yeah, that’s why they make you wait for this till senior year. Gotta have it to be a real college graduate.” We both glance toward a loud commotion at the door. Our professor looked over, waiting for the ruckus to enter or move away. It enters in the form of half the college football team. “Ugh.” I groan at Delaney and she gives me a smirk. “Guess we picked the wrong time slot for this one…” She mutters in my ear. I make myself small and hope my breakfast pursuer doesn’t notice me back here. He’s too busy loudly bragging about some party he’s going to this weekend. They pick seats closer to the front of the room in the center. Small favors, I think. Delaney hears my sigh of relief and gives me a look. “Remind me to tell you about my strange breakfast.” She gives me a look before her attention is diverted by four more football team members entering the room. This group is quieter, although they are talking amongst themselves. They wave to the other group but come sit midway up the seats closer to our side. I see Delaney trying not to stare at the defensive lineman Clint Mitchell. I lean over whispering. “Don’t drool too hard, ok?!” She smacks me on the arm. “Shut it!” But her blue eyes look embarrassed. “You know, maybe you should, I don’t know, introduce yourself, say hi, smile at him.” She whips her head my way, her chestnut brown hair flying out at me. “Yeah, right. I am so sure they date geeks.” “Delaney, that term and thinking is so over. Geeks rule the world.” I tease. “Besides, you are gorgeous inside and out.” She is an absolute beauty with her silky hair and bright blue eyes. She’s tall and has full curves perfect on her slender figure she hides. Her skin still has that golden glow from her summer trip to the beach. Delaney bites her lip and stares at the back of his head. “I can’t…” she mutters. I look at Clint. He’s massive, like they all are. Six foot three maybe four probably two hundred twenty-five pounds of solid muscle. The guy could block doorways easily. He’s got light brown hair cut almost military short and the darkest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. He’s handsome. Not to mention he doesn’t hang with the annoying set of the football team led by none other than Captain Oblivious from breakfast. His group is still disrupting class. I turn my attention from Clint to his best friends. I see Manny Davis, a wide receiver, Colby Sterns, the senior safety, and finally, Webb Jameson, the top tight end. Manny has black hair and brown eyes standing around six four. He can talk more than anyone I’ve ever seen. His brown eyes are super observant though and he’s kind. Colby is dirty blonde with green eyes and close to six four. He’s always smiling at everyone. That leaves Webb. Personally, he’d be my pick, but I don’t ogle football players. Webb is six four and has solid muscle probably close to two hundred pounds. He’s got brown hair with these interesting blonde highlights and emerald green eyes. His hair has that “dying to rub your fingers through it vibe” and it’s never changed color so his highlights are natural. He keeps it shorter but still it reaches mid forehead when it isn’t combed back or spiked up. With a defined jawline and full pale pink lips, he looks like most girls’ dreams. He wears a black slightly loose athletic shirt that shows off every defined curve of his upper body and a pair of jeans that highlight other various perfect rear features. Regular jeans too, because skinny jeans on a guy is just wrong in my opinion. The guy never smiles though. He doesn’t look unhappy, more reserved. As if he’ll succumb to being considered a joyous human being if he laughs. He’d been my chem lab partner freshman year for all of two weeks before he traded out with someone else. Thanks to him, I got stuck with annoying Ryan Tanner for the rest of the semester. The dude was dumber than rocks and only cared about his video games. I had to do most of the work. He would talk to me at least, but it wasn’t about anything I wanted to hear. To keep from hearing about more World of Warcraft call of Mages or Happy Samurai Quest I would talk to him first about the day’s lab assignment, reading instructions out loud but nothing personal. I push my glasses back up and check Delaney for drool again. She rolls her eyes at me, and I silently chuckle. Professor Mafferty finally gets the football team to shut up although they still keep muttering and chuckling during class. I shake my head as I watch the quarterback and chief troublemaker, Baylor Larson wadding up paper and throwing it at one of his teammates. Professor Mafferty says, “Your first assignment is due next Monday. I want an introductory essay on you and your life. This will help me determine your future assignments. One full page single spaced minimum. Now let’s move on to talk about…” I space out a bit. Ugh, me and my life? Do I think I can even get a full page out of that? Delaney nudges me. “Hey, Sof, wake up.” I shake my head and start listening to take notes again until it's time for our next class. Sighing I walk in the door of our photography class. Luckily no football crowd in here except for Colby. He sits at the table with us and I ignore him. Another guy walks over that I don’t know. He says hi to Colby though. As I pull out my notebook and check my phone for an alert, Colby says “Hi Delaney.” She smiles and tells him hello. I put my phone away as I hear “Hi Sofie.” I swivel my head in surprise at him and manage to say hi back. He smiles that big friendly smile of his adding “yeah I know your name.” “Sorry I’m used to being invisible. Forgot my cloak today I guess.” I tell him and he lets out a genuine laugh. “Funny girl. Think this will be a good class?” He asks the two of us. “Heard it is. We’re about to find out.” Delaney says nodding her head toward the teacher. By the end we figure we will enjoy it. It will be a nice contrast to writing essays and all the other concentrated classes we have to finish out school. Delaney in particular needs some fluff. Her class load is hard although she’s a certified genius so should be easy for her. Colby walks out behind us and I see his three friends waiting across the hall. “See you next week ladies. Can’t wait to be modeling for each other. I mean aren’t you so glad I sat at your table.” His tone is sarcastic. He grins and I find myself laughing at his teasing. He’s a lighthearted guy. “Bye Colby.” Delaney calls out and I see the other three snap their eyes to her. Webb has his usual blank expression, Manny looks inquisitive, and Clint is frowning. Looking away I turn in the opposite direction. Delaney ducks her head and follows me. I know her cheeks are pink after she caught Clint’s eye and I refrain from teasing her. Webb “What the hell do you mean modeling for each other?” Clint asks curiously as Colby makes his way to us. I see the girls walk away quickly. “Oh, we get to take pictures of our table partners. I’m thinking about going with an Adonis pose, or maybe the whole Atlas with the world on my shoulders look. Which would you do?” Colby taps his fingers on his chin in contemplation after he mimics both. “With or without clothes on?” Clint asks in jest. “Nude, completely nude.” Colby answers and Manny jokes, “s**t, I’m going to add that class now.” “Too late, our table is full. I got the best looking females in the class too…” Colby flashes a s**t eating grin and I narrow my eyes at him. Annoyance prickles at me and I think he feels it as he looks at my face. “Totally shitting you guys. Clothes at all times. We have to do some headshots and fun practice pictures. That’s it. But I do get to photograph those two instead of the four dance team vipers who are in that class. Lord they have enough selfies of themselves, not sure why they need a photography class.” He says with a pained grimace. “How’d you end up at their table?” Manny asks as we walk in the same direction the girls went. “I walked in and saw the crowd. A chair was available at their table, and I hurried to grab it. I’d much rather sit with the two nice girls. Sofie is freaking hilarious too. She had me laughing several times. I totally need to introduce her to Ava.” Colby laughs remembering. “She talked to you?” I ask him incredulously. “Sofie? Yeah, she did. Seemed a little surprised I knew her but said she forgot her invisibility cloak today when I told her I did. I mean, I am like a big laughing teddy bear. Don’t think she’d be afraid of me.” He nudges me with his elbow. Sofie never talks to any of the football players. Makes sure to avoid us like the plague unless she’s forced to interact with us. I glance up ahead and see her and Delaney walking along. They pass Baylor and his two man crew consisting of his best pals, Grady Billings and Dave Robbins. As soon as they go by, I see Baylor push off and call out to Sofie. Instantly I tense up. What the hell does that dumbass want with Sofie? She turns and I see her rush into the lady's restroom. I feel a small smile tug at the corners of my mouth, but I hold it back. Baylor in his cluelessness, stands outside of it staring at it. “Check out dunderhead.” Clint says softly. “She outmaneuvered him.” Manny says shaking his head. I watch as Delaney stops farther down the hall and watches the bathroom. Guessing she is waiting to give Sofie the all clear. I admire their quick thinking. Baylor hangs around until he sees us coming. Colby, “Yeah, it was like he didn’t want us to know he was waiting on her…” I look down and see Delaney typing on her phone. The door to the bathroom opens and Sofie darts out plowing straight into me. She almost falls backward and I reach an arm out to grab hers stopping her fall. “Sorry, so sorry. I wasn’t looking. Thanks for catching me. Good thing you have quick reflexes.” She rushes out as she glances around probably making sure Baylor is gone. “Sure, no problem.” I manage to croak out as her honey brown eyes meet mine. Her green glasses give them a golden tint. Colby speaks up, “He’s gone. Left when he saw us.” Sofie gives him a grateful smile. “See you next week Colby. Thanks again, Webb.” She nods to Clint and Manny before hurrying off to catch up with Delaney.

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