Chapter 72: Going to the Civil Affairs Bureau to handle the matter

2129 Words

Chapter 72: Going to the Civil Affairs Bureau to handle the matter"I have my own arrangements. Just cooperate with me," said Michael Wilson. Adele Young: "..." "In addition to these, do you have any other requirements?" Michael Wilson's eyes slanted downwards. He glanced at his shirt and pressed his lips together as he asked. "Yes." Adele Young straightened her back and stared at Michael Wilson. Michael Wilson gave Adele Young a "yes" look. "I need to add one more line in the contract." Adele Young's expression was serious. Michael Wilson frowned. "Tell me about it." "In addition to some specific occasions where body contact is necessary, body contact is forbidden in private. Once one party breaks the law, the other party can call for a halt at any time, and the other party can't

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