Chapter 67: They're in touch

2099 Words

Chapter 67: They're in touch"President..." "Don't tell me you still haven't found out anything about this kind of nonsense!" The phone was connected. As soon as Jimmy Tumer's voice came to her mind, Michael Wilson spoke in a cold voice. "I'm sorry, president. I tried my best!" Jimmy Tumer's voice was trembling and frightened. Hearing Jimmy Tumer's words, Michael Wilson, whose face was already gloomy, was immediately covered with a layer of gloomy mist. His thin lips tightened into a cold line, and his eyes were deep. Finally, he looked at the apartment and strode into the car. Sitting in the car, Jimmy Tumer's careful voice continued, "President, I used all the methods I could think of to get in touch with her, except that Miss Young stayed in the orphanage for a few years when she w

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