Chapter 64: President Wilson, Do You Like Me?

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Chapter 64: President Wilson, Do You Like Me?Adele Young's entire body rose slightly and she slowly turned her head. When the handsome face, which was so handsome that it was about to drip out ice water, entered his eyes, Adele Young gasped and subconsciously took a small step forward. It was the first time that she was so scared in front of a person that she wanted to run away. But Adele Young did not run away. It was not because she did not want to, but because her arm was pulled by a strong force. Adele Young's eyes widened in horror. She opened her red lips and no sound of breathing could be heard. She stared fearfully at the man's gloomy facial features. "Is this how you scold me behind my back?" Michael Wilson asked with an unfriendly expression. "... I didn't." Adele Young's vo

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