Chapter 53: Dazzling Wife and Mad Devil

2273 Words

Chapter 53: Dazzling Wife and Mad DevilWhen the stewardess came in and saw Michael Wilson, she was stunned. Because when they boarded the plane, Michael Wilson's assistant had specially told them that they were not allowed to enter without Michael Wilson's signal. Therefore, they never came in after the plane took off. Michael Wilson's gaze stopped at his heart. "What would you like to eat?" "Is anything okay?" She was eager to try. Being obedient, Michael Wilson glanced at his sister from the corner of his eyes. His voice was obviously much colder. "Is there anything suitable for a child's taste?" "... There are cakes and juice." "Can I?" Michael Wilson looked at his heart and said in a low and soft voice, as if the person who had just spoken to the stewardess was not him. Adele t

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