Chapter 32: The calm before the storm

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Chapter 32: The calm before the storm"...Mr. Wilson, what can I do for you since you came to the crew in person?" After blurting it out , Adele Young pursed her lips and felt a sense of admiration for herself. She really felt proud of her emergency response under such a high pressure ! Of course, compared with her nervousness and anxiety, the pride in her heart was so small that it could be ignored after a few seconds. Adele Young couldn’t figure out why Michael suddenly came to her this time, so she couldn’t help thinking about all kinds of possibilities. The most possible thing was that Michael Wilson had found out that she was actually Weixi’ s mother, so he felt that he had been fooled by he. Now he is so furious that he want to peeled off her skin and break her bones! If that was true, Adele Young would definitely not be able to afford. It would directly affect her process in the crew, which was difficult for her essentially and would be really hard in her life if she was attacked from both sides. "What kind of scene do you act?" Just as Adele Young was imaging a tragic picture, Michael Wilson’s cold voice came from beside her. What? Adele Young stared dazedly at Michael Wilson. What did he say? Michael’s eyes were fixed on her costume and asked, "Costume drama?" "..." Adele Young’s fair cheeks trembled slightly and then nodded. Michael nodded, "The protagonist?" Adele Young shook her head in a daze. The corners of Michael Wilson’s mouth twitched. Perhaps he was too cold and unpredictable, so even his smile gave Adele Young a creepy feeling. Adele Young’s heart felt as if it had been squeezed by something,staring fixedly at Michael Wilson. What, what was he doing? Was it the calm before the storm, or... the new method of torture recently!? Michael stared into Adele Young’s puppy-like eyes, his black pupils moved slightly and he retracted the faint arc at the corner of his mouth. He looked down at a document stored by a transparent folder in the middle of two seats and said, "Take this and sign it!" Adele Young could tell that Michael Wilson’s voice became deeper when he said that. Adele Young tensed up and pressed her lower lip lightly, "What?" As Adele Young spoke, her gaze involuntarily followed Michael Wilson’s gaze and landed on the folder. She could directly see the document page from the transparent folder, and there were only two words written on it-the contract! What contract? "It can’t be a contract that gives up the right to raise Adele, can it?" “I'm sorry.” This was the only possibility that Adele Young could think of at the moment! Adele Young's heart beat fast. She suddenly raised her head and stared at Michael Wilson. Her voice, which had been very low in front of Michael Wilson, was becoming a little harsh at this moment. "What do you mean?" Michael couldn't help but be surprised. He frowned and stared at Adele Young for Adele Young had suddenly changed to be aggressive. Adele Young looked into his eyes, unwilling to show weakness. Her beautiful face was full of fierceness and hostility. Michael set his thin lips slightly and said, "Just take it as a job. After the contract is signed, only you perform your duties well, I will reward you!" Adele Young, "..." Reward? Adele Young became startled and confused, but she did not dare to be relaxed, instead, she silently looked at Michael Wilson. Michael stared at Adele Young and said, "Miss Young, I have checked your past experience. After graduating from the movie academy, you have been hidden by Sanders until now for some reason. And the reason why you have the opportunity to film now is nothing more than the means of your boss to torture you." Adele Young was not surprised that Michael Wilson would investigate her, but Adele Young felt shocked when he said that with a "it’s sunny today " like normal tone . Besides, since he had said that he had investigated her, he must knew the role she played in “Queen Anne”. But if he knew it, why did he ask that on purpose? Was he mocking her? Adele Young inexplicably thought of Michael Wilson's strange smile earlier. So, was he really mocking her? This man was so... childish! Adele Young pursed her lips and glanced at Michael Wilson silently. "As long as you sign this contract, I can solve this problem for you. And if you want to continue to develop in the entertainment industry in the future, I can also help you reach the peak!" Michael Wilson said with no expression. Adele Young's eyes widened as soon as she heard that. She had to admit that this condition was very attractive! With Matt Sanders's character, even if she successfully finished the film and terminated the contract with Sanders, he would not let her go. It would be extremely difficult for her to avoid the stumbling block of Matt Sanders and develop in the entertainment industry by her own... But if Michael Wilson was willing to help her, it would be easy for him to deal with even ten Matt Sanderss! But... Adele Young looked at the document hesitantly. Adele Young was not stupid, so since Michael Wilson had said "reward", it seemed that this contract was not about the right to raise Adele, but something else. But what exactly was it? Adele Young was extremely curious and was about to reach out to grab it. "If you're hesitant, I'll give you some time to think about it. Give me your answer until the end of this movie filming!" Michael Wilson said calmly. His words seemed to give space to Adele Young for consideration, but his tone was so determined. Adele Young stopped and looked up at Michael Wilson. Michael's face was cold and hard, and his eyes were fixed, which told that as if he was impatient. Adele Young rolled her eyes and picked up the document, "Okay!" After Adele Young finished speaking, she quickly reached out to open the car door and jumped down. Like an evil ghost chasing after her, she rushed to Studio City without looking back. Michael, who was in the car, saw this situation and frowned with mock severity. He was the one who endured being with her in the car, but now she couldn't wait to leave before he driving her out of the car! Jimmy, who was standing outside the car, suddenly felt relieved and hurried to get in the car when he saw Adele Young finally getting out of the car. After getting in the car, Jimmy hurriedly buckled his seat belt and started the car immediately. Two vibrating sounds of mobile phones suddenly came from the back seat not long after the car drove out. Jimmy raised her eyes and looked back through the car mirror. Michael placed one hand on the seat, knocking the seat gently with his slender and neat fingers, and held the mobile phone in the other hand. He looked at the message in the text message box with a gloomy face---XXX restaurant at eight o'clock in the evening. Jimmy glanced at Michael Wilson's face and stared straight ahead quickly, never looking back. About two minutes later, Michael Wilson's cell phone rang again, but this time it was not a text message, but a call. The call was from Sophia. As if he had expected a call, Michael Wilson picked up the phone indifferently. "Michael, did your mother send you a message?" Sophia's voice sounded cautious. "Yes." "..." After a moment of silence, Sophia said earnestly, "Michael, I know that you don't want us to interfere in your business. But now, after all, you have Adele now... So your marriage can't be delayed anymore." Michael covered his black eyelashes. Before he spoke, he heard Ben Wilson's impatient voice from the other end of the line. "That's unnecessary! Do you think he will listen to you if you try so hard to reason with him? You just need to tell him directly that if he dares not to show his face and insult the girl, he will get out of our family..." "That’s enough! What right do you have to make Michael get out of our family? What if I tell you to get out... So what if I don’t respect you... Have you ever thought about Michael’s dignity when you scold him? I've tolerated you for a long time..." "What the...." Michael threw out these two words indifferently while Sophia's angry voice still continued. He grabbed his phone and hung up without caring if Sophia Howard had heard him or not. The call interface flashed by, and the text message with the time and address appeared again in Michael Wilson's eyes. Suddenly, a shiver appeared in Michael Wilson's black eyes. He sneered and threw the phone to the seat beside him. ... While Adele Young returned to the crew with a document in her hand, the director was going to film a scene. Some of the actors who didn't participate in the film retreated to the places where the camera couldn't capture, and some were still practicing the script in the rest room or resting. Adele Young thought for a moment and went to the dressing room. Since there was no one in the dressing room, Adele Young sat on the stool in front of the dressing table and put the document on the table. She stared at the folder for a few seconds, took a deep breath nervously and reached out to open the folder. In less than 20 or 30 seconds, Adele Young got up from the stool. She clenched her fists and tried to hold her head up, but stopped when her fist was in the half-way. She pinched her fists hard twice and pushed them to the dressing table. Adele Young's breathing was stiff, but her heart was beating like thunder. Her bright and clean eyes were wide open because she was too shocked. She stared at the document in front of her for a moment! Three minutes passed. Adele Young's face twitched violently. Michael gave her a fake-marriage contract! The whole contract seemed simple, but in fact rigorous. He had no intention of joking. If he hadn't thought carefully and made up his mind to do so , he won’t suddenly give her such a contract based on Michael Wilson's identity and character! Michael was serious, but Adele Young was going crazy! It was Michael Wilson who was going to pretend to marry she! No matter how careless she was, she would not forget the tragic experience of being thrown out off a car a few days ago! He was such an evil and eccentric man who was obsessed with cleanliness. If she agreed to sign this contract with him and pretend to be his couple, she would inevitably have to put on an act in front of outsiders and have some physical contact with him... If he felt sick and couldn't control himself to embarrass her in public, even if her face was as thick as the city wall, she wouldn't be able to bear him! Not to mention that they had to live under the same roof and see each other everyday with this fake marriage... Just mere imagining of that scene had already made Adele Young tremble. Adele Young shook her head hard and almost scattered her coiled hair. Looking at her stiff face in the mirror, Adele Young took a deep breath and secretly made up her mind, pretending that she had seen nothing just now. After closing the document calmly, Adele Young walked to the dressing room's storage cabinet, took out her big bag, stuffed the document in, closed the door, left the dressing room, and went to the shooting site. When Adele Young arrived on scene, the director was explaining the play for an actor. "Adele, you're here." Polly Garcia was the first to see her and called out. She didn't know if it was because Polly Garcia's voice was too abrupt or something else, but the surroundings suddenly quieted down. Everyone looked at her, and even the director, who was telling the play to actors, also stared at her. His eyes were full of uncomfortable scrutiny and... disgust! Adele Young felt tension suddenly.
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