Chapter 30: Long time no see

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Chapter 30: Long time no seeCampbell City the bus was not allowed to pass, it stopped in a special parking space outside the Campbell City. Adele followed the crowd and got out of the car. He raised his eyes to look at the door that was engraved with the words "Campbell City" and walked forward. After a few steps, a grey sedan suddenly stopped beside Adele. Adele's footsteps stopped slightly, and his clear eyes were filled with confusion. At that moment, the window of the back seat came down. A well-dressed woman's face approached the window and stared at Adele in shock." Heavens, it's you. "I thought I was wrong." Adele saw the woman's face clearly, her eyebrows raised. She thought that her luck was too "good ". As soon as he arrived at Campbell City he met an "acquaintance ". Perhaps he didn't hear what Adele said, but perhaps he was too surprised. Riva pushed open the car door and walked down. He stepped in front of Adele and scanned his Adele from head to toe like a scanner. Finally, he looked at Adele in disbelief." Adele, it's been more than four years since you graduated from university. In these four years, it's like you've disappeared from the human world. There's no news of you at all..."I can't believe I saw you just now." Adele turned his head and said with a smile," Yeah, I was shocked to see you all of a sudden." Riva was speechless. The surprise on Riva's face didn't diminish, but Adele's eyes dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Adele pretended not to see it. She just stared at the Riva with a smile, as if she had seen an old classmate that she hadn't seen for a long time. Her beautiful little face was filled with emotion. Yes. Riva was also Adele's classmate at the Film Academy. Riva was beautiful, and she knew very well that she had a face that no ordinary person could compare to, so she was very proud and proud. It was said that the high school, junior high school, primary school, and even kindergarten that she attended before she went to university were all influential figures at the school level. So Riva naturally believed that there was no exception in university. The clinker met Adele. What made Riva hate her Adele was that not only did Adele have a better-looking face than her, even her professional grades were higher than hers. Because of her existence, she had never been rated as an outstanding student in four years of university. As long as she was here, she would be suppressed forever. Thinking of the past, Riva's face, which was covered in delicate makeup, could n' t hold back any longer. Looking at Adele's eyes, he said," It's been a long time." These words made him gnash his teeth. A dark color flashed across Adele's eyes, but his face still had a shallow smile. However, in Riva's eyes, she didn't put her in her eyes. It was just like when she was at school, she was suppressed and stole all the limelight. Riva felt hatred surging in her chest. She gritted her teeth and stared at Adele as if she wanted to cut her into pieces. "Riva ..." A man's voice sounded from the car. Riva looked back with a stern face. The manager's expression was serious as he looked around. Riva frowned and was silent for two seconds. He turned around and glared coldly at his Adele before stepping into the car. A few seconds after the door closed, the car drove out, leaving behind dust on the ground. Adele looked in the direction of the car and her pretty face slowly fell. Riva's current status in the entertainment industry was slightly inferior to Polly's, but she was also the most acting actress among the four young women who had passed the fan certification. She had a huge amount of entertainment and had just received a huge award for her acting from a satellite channel. Not only that, the role she played in Queen Anne's series was nominally female number two, but in reality, it was on par with Polly female number one. And the Cherry Adele played died at the hands of Riva. Adele narrowed his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled coldly. Tsk, Matt was getting more and more "skilled" in torturing her. ... The Queen Anne's opening ceremony had already been held half a month ago. Today was the first scene to be officially filmed. It could also be said that it was the day when Queen Anne truly started filming. Therefore, the moment Adele arrived on set, after confirming that she was playing the role of a maid Cherry, one of the staff members directly led her to the dressing room. When they arrived at the dressing room, the clothing department gave her a set of clothes and urged her to change into them. The director and film crew were already in place, waiting for the first scene to begin.The studio staff was very busy.When people got busy, they couldn't help feeling restless. In addition, Adele was just an unknown character, so she couldn't enjoy special treatment. Adele calmly took the costume and went to the changing room. The supporting role dressing room was shared. It was originally quite spacious, but at this moment, it was filled with people.This made the dressing room crowded and narrow. As Adele lifted the curtain and stepped in, at least ten pairs of eyes shot towards her. Adele was speechless. Adele paused for a moment before calmly nodding at the crowd and walking in. Adele stood to the side, his back facing the crowd. When he shook off the costume in his hand, a whisper of discussion came from behind him. "Who is she?"It was too beautiful." "...Heh, she was pretty.But I've never seen her before." She looked very young. Perhaps she was a student?She must be a newcomer." "Hey, have you met Polly and Riva?"I originally thought that Riva and Polly were already pretty enough, but now that I saw her, I suddenly felt that Riva and Polly looked just like each other." "...You dare to say that." "My personality is like this, I never lie." "..."Adele listened to these discussions and thought that he was deaf. His soft white face was very calm. ... Adele she changed, a makeup artist pointed at her." Hurry up, hurry up. Don't waste your time." Adele walked over and was about to sit on the stool. A gasp rang out in the dressing room. Adele was taken aback for a moment, and his eyelids twitched, and he saw from the mirror the Polly who was walking in her direction, as well as the few people who had fallen a few steps behind her, with Riva expressions full of disdain. The corners of Adele's mouth pursed. "Adele." Polly walked closer and looked at Adele with a smile." Just now Riva told me that she was surprised to see you at Campbell City's door. "I'm telling her, just like us, you've also appeared in this show. She still doesn't believe me." As Polly spoke, Adele felt the gazes from all directions focus on her. Adele's expression did not change. Just as her lips moved, another mocking voice sounded. "Not only Riva doesn't believe it, even we do n' t dare to believe it.Back when we were studying at the Film Academy, Adele was recognized as a school belle by the entire school. In the teacher's eyes, the future was limitless.A person like Adele who was outstanding in all aspects, could she look up to us Queen Anne a little maidservant?" Adele quietly glanced at the person who was speaking. It was a Penny that had been close to Riva back in school. Over the years, Riva had been carrying Penny around everywhere. The two of them were using their best friends of steel to attract fans. Whenever they mentioned Riva, the next sentence would mention Penny. Penny himself had also worked hard, and he had won fame and fortune in the entertainment industry. In college, almost everyone knew that Riva and Adele were enemies.As a good friend of Riva, Penny looked at her like an old hen Adele was full of fighting spirit and was trying to protect her. "Heavens."She was classmates with Polly and Riva.And it was a school belle." "So what if she's a school belle?"They could only serve as Polly foil for them." "I think it's more like a socialite."With his good looks, he had to do some evil things, right?Otherwise, if Sister Wan Yi had just said that, she would not have become like this and could only act as a maid." "Who knows, the role this time might have come from underhanded methods." "..."Adele frowned speechlessly. He was so impressed by these people's brainpower. Of course, Polly heard these words. She looked at the crowd with a helpless smile in her eyes and said softly," Adele isn't people like you guys say.Back in college, I was Adele's roommate and a good friend.In the past few years, Adele hadn't acted because of personal reasons.He hoped that everyone would not make random guesses." Polly had already changed her clothes and put on her makeup. The wig on her head was as smooth and black as it had grown on its own. Her makeup was fresh and graceful. When she looked at her, she didn't have the slightest bit of offensive power. She did n' t have the air of an actress. She was as easy-going as a sister next door. Everyone present was almost instantly captured by her "friendly" image. Many of them blushed and no one said a word. When Riva saw this, she only tugged at the corners of her mouth. Penny looked at the Riva and then looked at Polly with a smile that was not quite a smile." You're kind-hearted and have a good temper. You look like you're wearing a beautiful filter to watch everything."In your eyes, there was not a single bad person.Hehe." The last word "hehe" was meaningful. The moment Penny said that everyone's eyes turned to Adele. Beside Penny and Riva were two university students. However, the two of them and Adele were limited to bowing acquaintance. With the disparity in status between Adele and Riva Penny, they wouldn't be so stupid as to go against Riva. They would n' t even talk about hitting on Adele when they were down the well. Although they didn't say anything, they looked at Adele with sympathy. Polly noticed that as Penny spoke, Adele's beautiful face remained as calm as a lake. Everyone in the dressing room, including her, thought that Adele wouldn't respond at all. However, the corners of Adele's lips suddenly curved up coldly. Her gaze locked onto Penny and she walked towards her.
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