Chapter 25: Little bad guy

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Chapter 25: Little bad guyUntil the car disappeared in front of her eyes, Adele slightly closed her eyes. Her long and thin eyelashes still trembled slightly.She opened her eyes and ignored the strange gazes from around her. She stood up with one hand and turned to walk towards the entrance of the apartment. Every time he took a step forward, it was as if someone was holding a small hammer and hitting her hip bone. It was very painful. Adele thought as he felt pain. For a man like Michael, there wasn't even the word "woman" in the dictionary.It was simply ruthless. Fortunately, her pain wasn't for nothing. At the very least, she was so disgusted that he could n' t continue to "force" her to confess. Otherwise, she was really afraid that she wouldn't be able to hold on to anything. Adele lowered his head and walked towards the main hall of the apartment, his mind racing. As the man in charge of the entire Wilson Group, his level of shrewdness and wisdom was such that even someone who had spent most of his life-fighting in the marketplace might not be able to win against him... Adele really couldn't figure out which link had caused the problem and made Michael think she was Troy's aunt. She thought that as long as Michael looked at the surveillance footage and found her, she would be completely exposed... She didn't know how long her phone had been vibrating in her bag before Adele could hear it. She reached out to take out her phone from her bag. In a daze, she didn't look at the screen. Instead, she beside her ear. "Adele ——" Her clear and clear voice suddenly rang out. Adele shook. "Adele, I'm Troy, your baby Troy." "...Troy.?” Adele stopped. "Adele, we haven't seen each other for a whole day. Can' t you even hear my voice?"Troy seemed to be amused by Adele's uncertain voice. It was cheerful. Adele's breathing trembled as she tightened her grip on the phone."Troy Young." Adele was the first time he had been given a full name, Troy's full name. Troy and Daisy were her two pieces of heart meat. She was a precious goosebump. Normally, she wouldn't even yell at them loudly. This time, Adele was really angry and anxious. Especially this little bad guy who dared to laugh so heartlessly in her ear. "Troy, you ..." "Adele, Adele, did he go looking for you?" Before Adele could finish his lesson, he was cut off by Troy's anxious voice. He? Michael? Adele's eyes flashed fiercely as she shut her mouth. "Adele, I told him that you are my aunt.He had a bad temper, but he had a lot of bad habits. He was not likable at all.However, he was not a completely unreasonable person.The person he was looking for was my mother, not my aunt."So as long as you don't say that you're my mother, he won't make things difficult for you."Troy made a clear analysis. Adele pursed her lips and concluded," Because Troy told Michael that she was his aunt, Michael believed her." Why did she feel strange? Is Michael so easy to fool? She expressed her serious suspicion. "Adele, I know that you've been wronged by my aunt. Don' t worry, this is only temporary."You must believe me."Wait for my good news." Troy said softly. Adele was stunned. Then, she thought of the reason why Carl had told her that Troy had taken the initiative to find Michael and acknowledge her father. Warmth flowed through his heart, and Adele's eyes were a little sore. His nose also started to dry up. No matter how angry he was, he could not bear to lose his temper. Adele's heart softened. She wanted to tell him that she did not need any support. She only needed him and Daisy by her side. With them by her side, she was not afraid of anything. "Baby ..." "You and my sister, wait for me to come back." After Troy said that, Adele heard a pop as if a little kid had kissed her on the microphone. Then, the phone suddenly hung up. "...” Adele tightened his grip on the phone. His eyes were red and sour. His heart, which had been in a mess for the entire night, calmed down and became firm.
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