Chapter 22: Death gaze

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Chapter 22: Death gazeHe was well aware that it would be useless to struggle no matter how hard he tried. Adele calmly told Jimmy to wait downstairs for a while, then he went down immediately after tidying up. About 15 minutes. Adele came down from upstairs and walked out of the apartment hall. From a long distance, he saw a black luxury car parked on the side of the road outside the door of the apartment, as well as a man in a formal suit standing straight outside. If she guessed correctly, this person was Michael's special assistant, Jimmy. He was just waiting for someone. Why was he so serious and standing so straight?Those who did not know the situation thought that he was a humanoid sculpture at the entrance of the apartment. Adele took a deep breath and walked towards the door. After a few steps, Jimmy's gaze suddenly swept over her, and her gaze paused for a few seconds.Then, he bent down and faced the half-opened window of the back seat. His mouth moved as he said something. Adele's heart skipped a beat. Something was wrong. No way... The hairs on the back of Adele's neck exploded the moment that terrifying thought flashed through her mind.Her eyes widened as she stared unblinkingly at the half-sliding window as if a pair of deep eyes were staring at her.Her black pupils trembled non-stop. "It's her?" Inside the car, Michael's face was cold. His dark eyes were deep as he looked at the woman who was slowly walking towards him. "Yes, President. She is Miss Adele."Jimmy nodded. Michael pursed her lips in silence, her gaze still on Adele. Michael was an aloof and aloof person, especially not fond of strangers.No one who knew him would dare to approach him casually.Those who didn't know him were also intimidated by the powerful aura around him. As soon as they met him, they consciously hid far away as if Michael was a devil who killed without blinking. They did n' t even dare to look at him. Michael didn't think anyone else was afraid of him. But this woman... Wasn't it the woman who accidentally got into the wrong elevator in Francis Hospital yesterday?She was scared to death when she saw him. She pretended to be calm and didn't say anything, and she even dared to peek at him. As Michael thought about it, he did not show any emotion on his face, as if he did not remember her at all. No matter how long the distance was, there would always be a moment to reach the end. When Adele entered, he felt that the gaze that landed on his body became even sharper. Adele back of his neck stiffened, his eyes did not dare to look at the window.Her breathing was disordered, and her heartfelt as if it had lasted for several consecutive days, making her feel flustered. "Miss Young, please." After confirming Adele's identity, Jimmy didn't ask any further. He opened the door of the back seat and looked at Adele. "..."Where are we going?"Adele's pair of eyes were wide open. His pupils were pitch-black and clear. He looked at Jimmy innocently and nervously. Jimmy was stunned by Adele's stare. It took a few seconds to recover."Miss Young, don't be nervous. Our president just wants to confirm something with you. "Please." She didn't want to go. Adele pinched his nails. Jimmy smiled encouragingly at Adele. Adele was speechless. Adele thought," No matter what, we're all dead. Let's go."Adele, you're still the mother of two kids. Ca n' t you show some courage?What was there to be afraid of?"If you use such an attitude to snatch someone's son, you'll be out before you even start." As he thought of this, Adele gritted his teeth, bent down, and sat inside. Almost the instant Adele sat in, the Michael on the other side of the window quickly stiffened. Pa—— The door closed. Adele held her breath, her long eyelashes trembling uncontrollably.She had the feeling that she was not staying in the car but the underworld. The person sitting beside her was not a person, but the King of Hell. The ghastly gaze that came from beside her made Adele truly understand what it was like to stare at death.
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