Chapter 10: Good roommate

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Chapter 10: Good roommate"I can't believe I met Wilson Group CEO today, and he's a real person." "It's said that Michael inherited the position of President of the Wilson Group at the age of twenty. From the day he took over, Wilson Group employees from the top down have never seen him appear in the group.Only a few of the higher-ups were fortunate enough to see his face, and it was through video.Do you know how strange this was?.?” "It's said Michael the outside world has a shady character. It's extremely difficult to get along with him."In the Bowen City Four Great Families, don't provoke Michael. Otherwise, you wo n' t even know how you died." "I'm crazy."I think you and Michael look alike?He even thought that he might be your biological father.How was this possible."Too scary." Ever since he found out that the man he and Troy met in the past few hours was Michael himself, this sentence was like Carl's mantra. He repeated it in Troy's ears. Troy rubbed his ears and looked at Carl with bright black eyes. Finally, he couldn't help but ask," Why not?" He had already accurately extracted the most important information points from the few sentences that Carl repeated. That was to say, Michael's name was so awesome that it almost "scared" a good celebrity into insanity. Since he was so powerful, and his Adele little fairy wasn't bad, then why couldn't he be his biological father? Instead, he felt that that uncle was more and more likely to be his father. After all, not everyone was qualified to be his father. He was also very picky. "Why?"Why else?Michael person of this level possessed such a superb personality.Was a person like him someone that you could meet if you wanted to?Adele even though she was as beautiful as an immortal, was Mr.Wilson famous for not liking women.Tell me, first of all, Adele couldn't see him. Secondly, he did n' t like women at all. There was no way the two of them were related.How could they have a son like you?I think it's a coincidence that the two of you look like trash."After all, many people in this world look alike. Not all of them are related by blood." When Carl said this, he shook his head and waved his hand. He had completely rejected the possibility that Michael was Troy's father. Troy's two black eyebrows furrowed. He glanced at Carl and his pink lips curled up. He didn't try to say anything more. He turned around and walked towards the door. "Where are you going?" Carl was taken aback. "Quiet."Troy didn't even look back. Carl was struck by lightning and it took two to three seconds before he said," It's right outside the door. Don't go too far." "Oh." Carl watched as Troy's figure disappeared from the door and sighed in his heart. Little kid usually didn't mention his father, but that did n' t mean he didn't have any expectations for him. Now that he had made him look forward to it for nothing, the little kid might be disappointed and sad. Hai, it was better for him to stay by himself for a while. However, Troy wasn't really going to stay in the ward for a while. Instead, he headed straight for the fifth floor without hesitation. ... Sanders Group Corporation. When Adele arrived at his office at Matt's time, he found that besides him, there was another person in the office: Polly. Who was Polly? Polly was the most popular celebrity in the entertainment industry. In the entertainment industry, where the hype was all over the world, in the eyes of the media and fans, there was no gossip, no hype, and only a clear stream of people using their work to talk. Sanders Group's entire team was convinced by their sister... At the same time, he was also Adele's"good roommate in China" when he was studying at the Film Academy. "Adele, you're here." As soon as Adele entered the office, Polly stood up from the sofa and walked quickly to Adele.She held Adele's hand affectionately and looked at her gently." It's hot outside. Your face is red." Adele looked at Matt who was sitting on the sofa and looked at her with a gloomy gaze. The corners of her lips twitched." I don't have much sun exposure, but you know that the skin on my face is thin. Just a little sun exposure will make me look like this." The way Adele spoke to Polly was like an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time. Polly lowered his eyelids and led Adele towards the sofa." Your skin isn't thin. It's just that your skin is too tender and good. It's like a baby's skin." The two of them sat down on the sofa and Polly raised their heads. They looked at Adele's face with envy." Look at you. You haven't even put on your makeup yet. I'm sitting next to you in full armor. You've completely defeated me. When we were in college, it was like this. As long as there was a place where you appeared, all of us could only serve as your foil." Adele looked at the "sincere" Polly that was praising her and smiled slightly but did not speak to her.She lifted her eyes and looked at Matt. Well, Matt's face was darker than when she first arrived at the office.
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