Chapter 8: You don't think he's my father

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Chapter 8: You don't think he's my fatherAs soon as Adele left, Carl immediately put her legs down from the bed and patted the seat beside her. She said with an expression of abducting a child," Troy, sit here. Carl has some thoughts to tell you." "Carl, there's only you and me in the ward. You can say whatever you want. You don't have to sit together." When he heard Carl call him over, Troy's little face twisted into a ball. "Troy, you still dislike me.When you were young, I even changed into a diaper. I didn't dislike you." Carl knew that Troy was obsessed with cleanliness. Therefore, when he saw the little kid's expression, he knew that he had been rejected. "Disgusting." Just hearing Carl s**t and pee, Troy couldn't stand shaking his shoulder. Carl was speechless. Seeing that Troy still refused to come closer, Carl was depressed, but cleanliness was not something Troy could control. Moreover, he was still young, so it was harsh to ask him to overcome the suppression of his true emotions and instinctive reactions. So Carl didn't force Troy any longer. He sighed and said," Forget it, I don't care about you." "Carl, is that bad guy going to bully my Adele again?" Troy's pair of eyebrows furrowed tightly. As he spoke, his chubby face bulged. The bad guys that Troy referred to naturally meant Matt. When Adele and Carl were talking about this, they had already carefully avoided the little kid. However, there were times when he didn't care. Little kid was a smart guy when he was young. He remembered it as soon as he heard it. Carl pursed his lips and looked at Troy." Isn't it a pity for your family Adele?" "She's my mother," Troy said with a small expression. "Then do you want someone to support your mother so that no one dares to bully her?"Carl asked. Troy felt that Carl was asking nonsense, but he still nodded his head and said," Carl, isn't that person who always bullies Adele very good?Even if you're a celebrity, there's nothing I can do. Who else can help Adele?" Troy sighed gloomily." If only I could grow up tomorrow. That way, I can protect Adele like a man. If that bad guy dares to bully Adele, I'll beat him up.Hmph." Troy's childish voice made Carl feel touched. She could n' t help reaching out to touch Troy's little head. However, before his fingers could touch a single strand of his hair, the little kid's head tilted back vigilantly, his big black eyes staring at him. Carl awkwardly withdrew his hand. "The uncle I met today looks very impressive.I wonder who's better than that bad guy?"Michael: Not just any cat or dog can compare to me.] Troy frowned and mumbled to himself. Carl looked at Troy in surprise. It was just a meeting. Wouldn't his impression of a man who had been together for a few minutes be too deep? Could it be that something was pulling her... "Troy, do you think you look like him?" Carl stared at Troy and said slowly. Troy thought for a moment." That uncle is as white as me." "..."More than that."Carl inhaled." Your eyes, nose, lips...They all look alike." Troy was in a daze. A moment later, he tilted his head and opened his mouth, revealing two rows of tiny teeth." Carl, don't tell me you think he's my father?" he asked with a smile.?” "I think it's possible,"Carl replied like this. Troy was speechless. ... A consultation service area was set up in the VIP ward building. "The two ladies didn't have lunch, right? This is the takeout I just ordered. Let me give it to you."Carl was fully armed and his eyes were exposed from head to toe. He leaned in front of the service desk and deliberately tried to curry favor with his throat. Although Carl's dress was strange, it was well known that Francis Hospital was the number one private hospital in Bowen City.Most people who could enter and leave the Francis Hospital were either rich or powerful. Needless to say, Carl was still staying in the VIP ward. Therefore, although the two nurses at the reception desk felt that it was strange, they did not show it. Of course, they did not dare to accept his "kindness ". One of them said politely," No need. You can use it yourself.W-what do you need?" "No need, no need."It was just that staying alone in the ward was too boring. He wanted to find someone to chat with."Also, I bought this for you. If you don't want it, I'll just throw it away."Carl pushed it over. Carl already said that they really couldn't refuse. Therefore, the two had no choice but to accept it. When he saw that the bribe was finally sent out, Carl heaved a sigh of relief. He looked at a certain place and displayed his ability as a double-acting Best Actor. He put on a casual posture and said," Do you know who's staying in Room 506?"
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