Chapter 165: He belonged to Her

2224 Words

Chapter 165: He belonged to HerWith such a fall, Adele Young's Divine Sense was completely destroyed. She saw stars in front of her eyes, and her body was so soft that it seemed to be integrated with the soft big bed under her. Her messy and short breath was blocked tightly, almost giving her no room to breathe. Adele Young's eyes were full of chaos. The world in front of her turned upside down and spun wildly, making her dizzy to the extreme. Her heart beat so fast that she felt like she would faint in the next second. Then, she felt that there was an irresistible force constantly pulling her clothes and rubbing her skin. It was sometimes hot and sometimes cold. It was still painful. Adele Young opened her mouth and wanted to protest, but she couldn't. She was so blocked that she coul

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