Chapter 163: Drunk

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Chapter 163: DrunkAdele Young calmed down. She pursed her lips and felt it. She found that she was sober and did not feel drunk. However, red wine was usually full of energy. Perhaps it was because the alcohol was not yet served. "What is the gift for you?" Michael Wilson leaned forward slightly and reached out to Adele Young with his hand holding the red wine. Adele Young looked at the red wine in Michael Wilson's hand and then looked at him... Was he going to clink glasses with her? "Just... sit down and drink. Do I need to have such a... sense of ceremony?" Adele Young didn't quite understand and touched him awkwardly. After clinking his glass, Michael Wilson raised his head slightly and drank up the rest of the wine in one gulp. Adele Young: "..." "He drank so fast. Is there wa

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