Chapter 161: I'm Here, No One Dares to Beat You Up

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Chapter 161: I'm Here, No One Dares to Beat You Up"Scared? You are even afraid of an ant. Are you not afraid?" At this moment, a woman's groaning voice came from behind Wen Wanting. They knew who it was without looking at it. He Mingxian's brows knitted tightly together. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart. If her mother's early death made Wen Wanting look weak, then her other granddaughter was the opposite. No matter how weak Wen Wanting was, how domineering Wen Wanfei was. In addition, she was impatient and impatient, which directly pushed her arrogance and arrogance to a new height. As a result, until now, there was no one in the whole Wen family who dared not to argue with Wen Wanfei, including their grandson, whose temper was the most unpredictable and difficult to deal wit

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