Chapter 149: – Too much of a bully

2187 Words

Chapter 149: – Too much of a bullyWhen Adele Young returned to the villa, there was only a wall lamp in the living room, which was warm and yellow. She guessed that Wang Mah had fallen asleep. Adele Young changed her shoes in the porch. She knew that wearing slippers would not make much noise as long as she did not make any sound deliberately. When she walked up the stairs, she subconsciously stood on tiptoe. Adele Young went upstairs like a thief. She wanted to go straight back to her room, but when she passed by Troy's room, she couldn't help but turn the door and enter her room. Under the light of the corridor, Adele Young walked to the bedside. She bent down and stared at Troy's sleeping little face. She kissed his eyebrows and left his room with satisfaction. After carefully clos

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