Chapter 144: Bright Moon Pavilion's delivery

2149 Words

Chapter 144: Bright Moon Pavilion's deliveryOnly when Adele Young arrived at the shooting base did she know that the main purpose of the meeting was to have an audition at the shooting base. It must have been arranged in advance. The scene had been set up, and it was so mature and perfect that it was not like a simple audition, but a real scene. Adele Young was still looking at the well-built cloth and sighing at the rigorous and professionalness of the construction. A female voice in English came. "I'm your husband. I'm your wife." Adele Young looked over and narrowed her eyes when she saw him. She knew her. Of course, it was one-sided. She was Tang Qing, a new talent that had been popular for the past two years. She was as beautiful and dignified as her name suggested. Tang Qing h

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