Chapter 133: What do you want to do by taking the initiative today?

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Chapter 133: What do you want to do by taking the initiative today?At the door of the study, Adele Young knocked on the door. With the man's permission, she turned the door and walked in. Michael Wilson was standing in front of the French window, answering the phone. Adele Young entered the study, but he did not look back at her. Adele Young closed the door, walked to the sofa, and sat down. She stared at Michael Wilson's handsome back for a while, put the book and notebook on the tea table, and opened the notebook. As soon as she pulled out the document, the phone vibrated twice. Adele Young glanced at it. It was a WeChat message from Gu Lanyan. He picked up his phone and clicked on WeChat. "I'll take Shao to Jiayi tomorrow. Will you come?" "What do you mean?" Adele Young replied.

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