Part 6

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When Amelia blinked her eyes open she was suddenly met with the sharp blinding lights. Squinting her eyes she tried to adjust her vision with the light. They felt heavy. Her throat felt like sandpaper and she could hear the soft sound of the wind blowing past by. As she tried to move she was aware of the heavy blanked lying on top of her. Where was she? The omega thought looking around the unfamiliar room. For a second dread settled inside her stomach at the thought those people chasing her finally caught up. That's why she was in some unfamiliar room. As she tried to move her hand, a wince slipped out of her mouth. Noticing the white thick bandage of her hand she frowned at it. How did that get there? Trying to examine it more closely she sat up, leaning against the headrest of the bed. "You're awake?" A silky-soft voice jolted her and she turned her head in the direction of the sound. It was an omega sitting on the couch with a magazine in her hand. Her pale white clothes along with the gloves and mask indicated that she was pack doctor or one of the help. Amelia never had to go there. "Where am I?" Amelia asked, scrunching her face at the way she sounded. Her throat felt even drier than before. "In the packhouse" The omega smiled and stood up from her seat. Before Amelia could ask her for water she was handed the glass. "I'm Doctor Slyvia from New York" Amelia sighed softly as she sipped the cold water. Her eyes widened when she heard the doctor. "New York?" Amelia exclaimed, blinking her eyes. It was not like she had not heard about New York. She was not stupid. Her dream was always exploring the big city but never really got the opportunity to travel outside Alaska because of her family. It was always something or the other. "Mr Romano called my boss about your injury and I was in Alaska for the conference so I dropped by" Amelia scrunched her face trying to make sense of the words. Her head was heavy and she had trouble focusing on the doctor. She could feel the sting in her palm as she tried to move her hand around. "Uh...what?" The doctor sighed, "Carter Romano called my boss, his cousins, Evan and Erik. They own a hospital in New York and I work there as a gynaecologist." Why did Carter call the doctor from the conference? Did he do that for her? The thought made her flush. Maybe he finally remembered who she was and was trying to make it up by getting the best medical facilities there are. She didn't have any idea how to talk to him if he does remember. Should she be angry at him for leaving her or hug him for finding her again? His family took her in and made her the member of the pack which was her luck. Usually, the rogues and runaways are sneered at but the Romanos were incredibly nice to her. Especially the triplets, Carter's cousins who taught her a trick or two during their visit. She felt like a part of them and it was before she knew about Carter. A few weeks later when she found that she was, in fact, staying with her mate's pack it shook her to the core. The thought of running away from them popped in her mind but they were all she had. Besides, it seemed like Carter was not going to show up anytime soon so she stayed. Not because she was hoping to confront him and ask him for the reason he left her. Okay maybe even for that. Can you blame her? She was his mate and had every right to know why he abandoned her like that. "Amelia" The doctor softly whispered, nudging at her elbow to which she blinked her eyes. The omega hummed, licking her lips, "Umm...sorry but what happened to me? Why am I here?" "What's the last thing you remember?" Amelia racked her brain trying to remember. She knew that Carter dropped by the cafe and waited until her shift was over. Zaid suggested that she walk back with Carter and that's all. She told the doctor the exact same thing. "It's alright. When you and Carter were walking back some rogues cornered you and that's how you got that cut. The knife was dipped in silver poison and dried myrtle leaves which is why you don't remember anything." She examined her hand carefully but as it was bandaged she couldn't see anything. Then she remembered that Carter was along with her. Was he hurt as well? The thought alone made her nauseous. "Where is Carter? Is he hurt?" At the mention of Carter, Slyvia blushed and shook her head. It didn't sit right with Amelia. Why was she blushing like that? He was not her mate. "He is not hurt. Very strong that Alpha" Amelia gritted her teeth together, her nose flaring, "I know that after all, he's my mate" The doctor had the audacity to look embarrassed and duck her head down, "Oh...Uh... I'm so... sorry I had no idea-" "That's fine. Where is Carter?" The doctor hurriedly rushed towards the phone and picked it from the table, "Just a minute I'll call him up. He went to get some coffee." *** Carter stumbled in, his hair sticking out in different places and dark circles under his eyes. His lips looked swollen like he had been biting on them. There were sleep lines on the side of his cheek which made her bite back her smile. He used to get those mark so easily and it used to always make her giggle. She noticed that he was still dressed in previous night clothes and a few buttons from the top was missing. It occurred to her that he might have tried to harshly tug at his shirt. "Good afternoon" He greeted, his voice raspy as he pulled a stool to sit beside her bed. She blinked around, staring outside the window and noticed that the sun was glaring outside. How did she not notice that it was afternoon already? Was she asleep for that long? "How are you feeling?" He asked "Fine" She answered meeting his eyes. His stare was fixed on her bandage and she thought that he was going to take her hand. "Does it still hurt?" She lifted her hand, "A little. It stings that's all" "I'm so sorry about last night. It was so stupid of me to fight those rogues and put your life at risk. I hope you can forgive me, Amelia" She blinked back the tears forming in her eyes. He still doesn't remember. Carter called her Amelia and that's not something he called her. The old him actually. Why does she keep on hoping that he will remember her? So so naive of her. "Amelia?" He cleared his throat, grabbing her attention. The omega simply stared at him for a few seconds. How could he not feel the bond between them? Did he not remember a single thing that happened? Or was he pretending? "Umm...yeah?" "I said I'm sorry" She gave him a forced smile, "It's not your fault. They had it coming" "But you are hurt" His lips pursed at that. Why did he care? Its not like she's his mate. Then again he was always like that. Caring about everyone. She lifted her palm, brushing it off, "This little scar? It's nothing I'll live" He shook his head, a weak smile on his face. "Are you always this brave?" "Yes that's one of my quality" "It's the best quality " "I know" She grinned, flashing her teeth. He was quiet then and a yawn slipped out of his mouth. She was aware that he was rubbing at his eyes. They looked red. "Did you not sleep last night?" Carter snapped his head at her, "I tried" "And?" He made a face, "I couldn't sleep. It felt painful to close my eyes like something was hurting all over my body" She folded her lips tightly to keep from sobbing. The omega knew she was the reason he couldn't sleep. Mates have the most powerful bond of all and if one has hurt the other experiences their pain. "What about now?" Carter made a face, "It's weird but suddenly I feel so sleepy." "You should go nap for some time." "What about you?" "What about me?" She raised her eyebrow "Who's gonna stand outside the door then?" Her eyes widened, her breath caught in her lungs, "Is that what you have been doing all night?" "I cannot leave you all alone. Don't worry I'm used to it. We had to guard the camps in the military" She blinked back her tears and gritted her teeth together. Why was he like this? How can he not realise that the reason he lost his sleep and stood all night was that he cares about her? ***
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